

Living in Maine affords it’s residents numerous opportunities to attend fabulous competitive events. There are lobster trap runs, belt sander races, frying pan hurls, skiing Santa races, rubber duckie races and pumpkin drops. We even host the North American Wife Carrying contest.

But this year I missed a new one.




I missed it!

The social event of the season…. and I missed it.




Who knew you could have so much fun with a zucchini?



Besides that guy.



And okay, maybe her.

But either way, I missed a stellar event and will have to be sure and mark my calendar for next year.

Zucchini racing.

Coming to a track near you.

26 thoughts on “Damn…..”

  1. Well, at least it is another way a gardener to get rid of the excess zukes. Most of them have given all they can to their family and friends and fellow congregants, now everyone edges away from you when you approach them with a paper bag.
    Make race cars out of them and give them away to the kid!

    Liked by 1 person

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