I don’t know how he stands it.


Work continues in the underground crap filled cave basement, one small section at a time because my husband is still miserably bored by retirement.



He clears and cleans a few square feet..



Having moved all the cobwebbed clutter that resided there…



Behind him to the section he previously cleared, insulated and ceiling’d. (That’s the past tense of ‘put up a ceiling’ in case you were wondering.)

He’s shuffled more useless junk around in the past month than Fred Sanford did in his 6 year television series run.

To be honest it drives the OCD part of me a little nuts. Now would be the perfect time to sort, clean, and organize… but he won’t. No matter how many times I suggest it or offer to help. It will be so much more work to do it later, but the man cannot multi task to save his life. The last time I brought up the subject? He snapped at me and said “One thing at a time!”

So he’s down there now, alone. Having turned the corner on the front wall…



With all that still in front of him.

I don’t know how he stands it. I really don’t.


34 thoughts on “I don’t know how he stands it.”

  1. I feel for you. I’d go bonkers with someone shuffling stuff around instead of getting it organized. Is it that he’s being stubborn to bother your– or can he really not deal with what to do with the stuff so he procrastinates?

    Liked by 4 people

  2. He’s shuffled more useless junk around in the past month than Fred Sanford did in his 6 year television series run. ~> YUP!

    I feel for you. “Too much stuff” doesn’t feel good to me either. That said, for him, “too much stuff” must feel “just right.

    I knew someone like that. She was card-carrying hoarder . . . in her garage, in her living room, in her kitchen, etc. One week, she cleaned up one room to host a luncheon for 4 college chums. It looked great . . . until she put everything back the way it was.

    I asked her why. Why put it back instead of expanding the clean up.
    Her response “I like it better this way. It makes me feel comfortable.”


    Liked by 3 people

  3. I feel for you too. If you pick it up to relocate it, why not decide right then and there whether it’s worth keeping? (I think we can agree it’s not 99.9% of the time.)

    I got one here doing similar. It’s not easy…

    But it’s fun to read your journey. And, I approve of the nice, white ceilings! Perhaps one day the entire basement will have a ceiling. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Single focus. Organizing is a different job, not the one he’s doing right now. Push for both, you may not get either. He’s your man until the end, I have no doubt, but this is for him.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Cathy was the same way when I was doing my room, which was the same process on a smaller scale, with a parquet floor as well as a drop ceiling. The decision making/crap disposal process was after, but it came. Seeing him sweeping the floor, a largely unnecessary task at this point, makes me think he’s going to keep going until it’s standing tall. Chin up, I think you’re going to be happy at the end.

        Liked by 2 people

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