When you’re really into your food…


Our resident male mallard duck likes the deer grain.



He really likes it.



He likes it so much he climbs into the bowl and guards it.



And quacks loudly if anyone gets near.



I think he’s pooping in it as well….



Which would explain why the deer haven’t been eating it lately.


18 thoughts on “When you’re really into your food…”

  1. Or are the deer just not coming right now?
    I presume deer would eat something like a horse, I don’t know. When our thoroughbred was in training for racing, she got all her food in a bucket. The trainer would mix various supplements in with the oat grains, and one would expect the horse would just gobble it up indiscriminately. Not so! I doubt she could see into the bucker, being as her nose must have blocked her view, but sfter eating every last grain was gone, but the supplements were left behind. Even the powders. We watched as best we could, ran some experiments, and somehow she could pick one grain of oats out of a bucket of tiny gravel. She never ate anything she did not want to. Horses are very picky eaters when they want to be. I would presume deer would be just as picky, and eat around unwanted substances. Or maybe not…

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