Tag Archives: backyard

Miscellaneous nonsense.


I saw this advertisement the other day and thought it was a marvelous way to raise money.



“Be kind to the flamingos”.

Words to live by.



Sometimes bad taxidermy is so bad it’s good.



We drove by this restaurant in Portland the other day, and while I’m no prude… I dislike advertisements, bumper stickers and political signs with crude language. If you’re wondering why eight year olds are responding “f*ck yeah!” to the question would you like a cookie?… here’s your answer.




Eating at the snazzy new feeder we bought without a thought to how it would be covered in bird poo in 10 seconds flat.




Now that’s an interesting deal. Store your junk and get free frozen custard every week. With the amount of junk my spouse could store.. we’d have a freezer full in no time.


Can you see him?


No, it hasn’t snowed again… but I realized I forgot to post these photos after our last storm so bear with me.

Can you see him?



How about now?



That’s our resident Coopers Hawk sitting in the apple tree waiting for lunch to fly by.



The speed at which he snatched a dove out of the air astounded me … as I had my phone camera pointed right at him when it happened and still didn’t manage to catch the shot.



Here’s a blurry pic of him sitting on top of his lunch for a split second before he flew away to eat in peace.


April showers result…


We’ve had nothing but rain and gloomy skies for weeks… so when the sun finally put in an appearance?



We were rewarded.



This was a strange rainbow as it was quite low on the horizon…



But it certainly didn’t dim the beauty.

And since I was standing at the open back door to take pictures, I asked the husband to keep watch over His Lordship so he didn’t slip past me to freedom.



You can guess how that went.



Though it did provide me with a nice photo of my two favorite men under a rainbow.

