Tag Archives: angles

Oh no, not again.


I walked into the barn this morning to find my husband working on a template.



And yes, I cringed.



Having finished one side of the strapping on the ceiling and running out of that particular wood, he decided it was time to trim the windows.



And while I applauded the fact he was actually going to corner them properly, I knew it wouldn’t be smooth sailing.



One day.



One entire day to frame two windows … because he added quarter round.

Why did he add quarter round you ask?



Because when he first built this barn to be a… you know, barn? …there were giant gaps around the windows and nothing was air tight. Who was going to complain…. the lawn mowers?



But now that’s it morphed into a palatial man cave, gaps must be sealed.



And live ordinance moved.



Framing on the outside, quarter round on the inside, and extra quarter round on the top corners…. all because he didn’t install the windows correctly the first time.

Jesus wept.



But two windows were framed…



And the giant bullet is back home.

To be continued…. unfortunately.
