Tag Archives: drogon

For those who are Thrones bereft.


Game of Thrones is over…




And whether you loved the ending or not…

You have to admit, it was one helluva ride.




But if you’re feeling sad…

Because Sunday nights no longer have a purpose?

Maybe this will help…




A dragon lamp with different color “flames”.

For those times you really want to yell Dracarys.





Yes, they exist.




And the description is blog worthy in and of itself.




Well, I do love lots of Game of Thrones.

And I wouldn’t mind making a dragon gift to my friends.

But the fact that it’s made of high quality plastic? With good detailization?

Plus! Plus!


And face it, now that season 8 is finished….

It’s as close to dragons as any of us are going to get.


