Tag Archives: renovations

Work continues… slowly.


When my husband first started tearing down the old porch he hoped to save some of the original frame.



Some of the original wood came off easily, some required gentle coercion.



I’m not quite sure what went on here…



When my husband is working a project, I find it safer not to ask.



New framing meets old.



In jigsaw like pieces apparently.



Lord Dudley Mountcatten has been very curious where all the noise is coming from, so I took him out for a stroll to check the progress.



Naturally he found the old dryer vent hole and had to investigate.


The furry, four legged escape artist.


Lord Dudley Mountcatten likes to look out the back door and that hasn’t been possible with the plastic barrier in place.



His Lordship was not pleased.

Just after it was erected, the old door was removed…



So of course, it snowed.



We haven’t had snow all winter… but let our contractor start working and bam. White stuff.



The rotted sub floor and framing was replaced and as work continued with a giant hole in the living room …



Lord Dudley plotted.



I guarded against it and tried to keep a close eye on him, but naturally the little devil found a weak spot and made a run for it.

Thankfully His Lordship is not a fan of snow and after a few cursory steps that resulted in wet feet… he just sat on the doorstep and watched birds.

After hustling him back inside?



He decided a warm sunny spot was more to his liking.

And at least someone was using the treadmill.



And to think it only took 6 months.


We have two fully installed, functioning, trimmed with the right color stain windows and I have to admit I was beginning to think it would never happen.



It’s hard to tell in the photos but they look quite nice.



I had my doubts about the color but it blends really well with the existing trim…



Two down, three to go.

I hope I live long enough to see it.



There are too many choices!


Floor shopping continues and the other day I decided to check out some solid hardwoods.



As usual I brought my trusty sample piece of broken trim to color coordinate shades. This cherry had potential…



And while this Acacia was spot on for color…



It was way too wild in application.



This oak looked promising…



But turned red in a hurry.






Never heard of it, but it looks too much like a checkerboard for my taste.

And since I don’t want to replace this floor right now…



I’m leaning towards something with a bit of grey in the tone as it will butt up against the kitchen in two spots.



Which is why I keep coming back to this one.



Beam/ceiling repair project, day 6 and 7.


Not much exciting or even mildly humorous to report now. And if you’ve ever done drywall mudding you’ll know why.



It’s a tedious time consuming process made even more unenjoyable by the fact that it all has to be done over our contractor’s head. My shoulders and neck are spasming just thinking about it.



Scrape, tape, mud, smooth, let dry.




The fact that it keeps raining and the dew point is high makes the quick dry mud anything but so a fan has been strategically placed to aid the process.
