They just don’t take the hint.


Every single day I zap them.

And every single day they come back.



I zap business blogs and blogs that don’t exist. I zap bot blogs and blogs that have 100 posts with no comments or likes.

I don’t need inflated follower stats and have no idea why these people, or machines, keep following me.

Can’t they take the hint?

They follow, I zap. Every day. Twice a day. Ad infinitum.

Give it up Car Kudu. Admit defeat Laundry Tips.

You won’t win.

I can out stubborn you…. just ask my husband.

20 thoughts on “They just don’t take the hint.”

  1. Yeah, for some reason, company accounts are a huge turn-off for me. Even if I see a nice headline on the Reader, once I see it’s from a company account, I just give it a wide berth.

    But I don’t really care if they follow me or not though.

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