Tag Archives: blogging

The one where I blog about cicada pee.


Sometimes I find a news you can’t use article that deserves its own post.

Cicada urine definitely fits the bill.

You’re welcome.



Two different batches of the noisy little devils are set to hatch this spring so in their honor, read on..



Aren’t you glad you subscribe to this blog?



My idea of fun isn’t watching insects urinate, but hey… whatever floats your boat.



Admit it, you’re going to time yourself now.



And because I’m nothing if not thorough.

For your viewing pleasure…





And a Merry Christmas to all…


To my loyal blog friends who read my ridiculous drivel every day and never complain….

A Christmas tree.

River style….



Clearly my algorithms are hard at work, holiday or no.

And here’s a message from our farming neighbor that made me chuckle.



If that doesn’t put the “oh, you shouldn’t have” in your Christmas nothing will.

Here’s hoping you have a wonderful day surrounded by everything and everyone you love!!



I’m beginning to wonder what the record is….


You can’t say I’m not dependable.

Or prolific.

I’m definitely prolific.



In case you’re wondering 1,500 days is four years and ten days.

Of blogging.

Every day.

Continuously, never missing.

Dependable and prolific. That’s me…

Whether there was anything worth reading for the past four years and ten days is another story entirely.




That’s an option as well…



A veritable sparrow torture chamber.


Warning: disturbing avian photo to follow, but trust me… no birds were harmed in the making of this blog.

If you remember, our contractor had just laid rubber protective tape over the framing of our back deck.



I can’t say I examined it too closely after he told us it would protect the boards from water damage. I figured he knew what he was doing…

Until yesterday when I heard something strange out back and went to investigate.

What I found was a small sparrow hanging on the board, with one wing stuck to the tape. It’s little bird companions were tweeting and pecking and trying in vain to free it. I didn’t take a picture, I didn’t have time. I just wanted to save the poor thing.

Which I did, and it flew away happily.



Although with a few less feathers attached.

Feeling pleased with myself for saving the small fellow I went back in the house, until I heard something strange out back an hour later.

Another bird was caught in the tape.

I saved that one as well and hoped that was the end of it.




Bird number three… who I did take a quick picture of before I scooped him up and freed him. This one bit me for my trouble.

Not wanting to continue the sparrow torture sessions, I grabbed a knife and made small cuts in the tape so it would lay down flat around the upright posts.

Thankfully no more feathered friends were trapped after that.


Will the real blogger please stand up.


My distaste for artificial intelligence has been well documented here. I truly believe the pursuit of the singularity will be the end of us and all that we hold dear. The good that can come from it will be quickly washed away by hackers and disreputable people who will twist and manipulate the truth until we’re completely unable to recognize it.

I admit… that future frightens me.

But now?

Right this minute?

There’s something else to fear.




Some of my blogging friends are already phoning it in. If the bots start writing content… how will I be able to tell who’s real? I’ll have to question every word I read.

Did Mark really move to Wisconsin?

Does Dan actually have rabbits in his yard?

Is the Huntress’s office filled with crazy people?

Does the Travel Architect even travel?

What’s true?

What’s not?

How will I know!


To continue following this blog please collect a DNA sample and mail proof of humanhood to:

No A.I. Blogging Slackers Inc.

642 Reality Is Subjective and the World Is Doomed Blvd.

Somewhere Up North, Maine


News you can’t use.


Because it’s generally more fun than news you can.



The future of porn is most definitely not in my living room, but this is a judge free zone. What you do with your holodeck is your own business.



Bad pig… bad.



For some reason my Facebook feed thought I needed this. At over $10 an inch? I think I’ll pass.



I’m guessing the people who install the porn holodeck are the target audience here.



It’s this kind of quality content that makes you glad you read my blog, no?


Have you ever felt like you were being stalked?


According to my stats I’m on a path to having the highest monthly views since I got here four years ago.



Granted I’ve been blogging about fascinating topics in January like the junk in our basement, crab balls and masturbating walruses… but still. The spike in readers seems a bit extreme.

And because I was curious which posts were popular, I checked.



Turns out they all were.

But only once.



I’m sure it’s just spammers, but most of the views are from the U.S., not India or Pakistan…. so it makes me wonder which one of you could be stalking my blog and searching my archives for pearls of wisdom like ‘Of Slime and Flies’?

Fess up. There’s no shame in the admission, we all need a hobby.



It’s my blog’s fault.


After chatting with a blog friend about Amazon recommendations, I decided take a peak at what Jeff Bezos thinks I should buy. And after seeing his choices…. I realized they’re not based on my buying history with the company, but drawn from my crazy and sometimes off color blog topics.



I can guarantee you I’ve never purchased any squirrel paraphernalia. Unicorn related or otherwise.



And clearly no good can come from posting about poop.

Does Amazon really want me to buy a turd?



A massage gun with extra batteries? I don’t even want to know where they got that idea..



I do post about birds now and then… but damn.
