I still love my town, but…



Remember Mr. H?



The charismatic donkey that was built as a parade float but had recently been traveling around our town?

The one a local artist spent two years designing and building?



Mr. H was well loved in our small rural community and people looked forward to seeing him cruising from place to place. Homeowners could request a Mr. H visit and he would happily park on your lawn for photo ops and climb aboards.

And then?




An event that’s shocked our close knit little town.



The following is a statement from our town’s state representative –




The artist donated this cat sculpture to our local elementary school and he happily greets children every morning as they start their day.



I wish I’d known about the little memorial gathering. I would have attended and mourned his loss.



As well as the loss of civility and common decency we’re currently experiencing in this country.



Rest In Peace Mr. H.

I’m hoping everything you and the flag you stood for isn’t dead as well.



31 thoughts on “I still love my town, but…”

    1. Agreed. The frightening part is we’re in the middle of a drought…. and if that fire had sparked a dry tree? 😮
      Sadly our neighbor also had her Biden and Black Lives Matter signs stolen last month. She put new ones up and a week later someone broke them in two and threw them in the ditch. It’s crazy.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It boggles my mind that some people can’t accept differing opinions and beliefs and resort to violence and hate to make a statement.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Appalling, disgusting, yet so…sadly anticipated in these divisive times where thugs and idiots have been encouraged to follow their basest instincts by, well, you know who.

    So sorry your town’s sense of security has been so horribly violated.

    Liked by 1 person

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