I spoke too soon.


Remember the new litter I purchased … the one I knew was going to cure Dudley’s habit of flinging it outside the box?



It didn’t. Granted, the amount flung was lessened, but it still escaped the confines of his toilet receptacle and I was less than pleased. Time to consult the experts.



I’m the boss? Clearly they haven’t met Lord Dudley Mountcatten.



I started with a big box on day one, but it wasn’t high sided. Then I tried a big box that was high sided but used the old clay litter. So back to the big high sided Hefty tote with the new litter I went.



Interesting. Putting more litter in a flinger’s box does seem counterintuitive, but I tried it.



And viola! He has room to move and ample product to cover his deposits. It’s been a week… and there have been no issues. No flinging whatsoever. Needless to say I’m thrilled! Dudley, on the other hand, doesn’t know what the fuss was all about.



But to be honest, even if he did…. he probably wouldn’t care.


21 thoughts on “I spoke too soon.”

    1. I hate to like that comment… because, eww. But as much trouble as I’ve had finding the right combination of litter and box, Dudley’s deposits have never been outside. For which I’m quite thankful.


  1. Aristocats (such as Lord Dudley) don’t poop — they ‘discharge excreta.’ If you give his Lordship his own throne room like he deserves, I betta he will deposetta his excreta in the toiletta, and all you will have to do is (royal) flush it. Prooblem metta, problem solved.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Something about cats and their indifferent demeanour puts me off and I’m wary of being scratched.

        Liked by 1 person

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