Because you can never have too many flowers….


The weather is warming, the grass is greening and the danger of frost has passed… we hope. (I live in Maine, it can snow on Memorial Day) So now it’s time for blooms!



There’s nothing I love more than going greenhouse shopping. Being surrounded by bright flowering plants probably drops my blood pressure by 20 points. It also drops my bank balance considerably, but we won’t talk about that.



I came home with this interesting shrub.



A weigela florida. Fingers crossed it does well in the spot I picked.



Two boxes of pretties for my front garden bed…



Which turns out wasn’t nearly enough. Damn, I’ll have to go shopping again.



A hanging geranium for the back deck… and for Lord Dudley to stare at. That’s him in the window directly behind it.. plotting revenge on me for keeping him in the house.



And finally, a bouquet for the kitchen.

Flowers. They always make me smile.



Well, almost always.


18 thoughts on “Because you can never have too many flowers….”

  1. Flowers are beautiful…

    My allergies and black thumb however have other things to say. However, they don’t speak much about pictures of flowers. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We have not had a drop of rain in 2 weeks, and none in the 7 day forecast….so all the flowers we have, those thirsty little buggers, need to be hand watered. We have a backyard that is much like a botanical garden, so watering is a monumental chore.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m envious of your yard River, I love the sprawling greenery and how everything you plant survives. I can’t wait to start planting flowers, shrubs and herbs in my very own garden when I move in. Which at this point could be in early 2022….🙄.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I tend to overspend at the garden center; it’s a problem. I love the shrub you purchased; I’ve never heard of that one before. I hope it does well for you. Love your planted flowers, the hanging pot, and the revengeful kitty. 😉
    Again, your yard is ahhhhmazing.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My fist foray to the greenhouse knocked me back a couple hundred but I just hit the mother load! I bought EVERYTHING the FFA couldn’t sell for fifty dollars.

    I can die happy.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I wish I could grow stuff. Black thumb is my middle name. Even pumpkins don’t shrivel and die under my watch.

    Liked by 1 person

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