Purple haze and cats on ice.


While I enjoy a good Hendrix riff as much as the next girl, the purple I’m talking about is of a different variety.






Japanese Iris to be exact.



They’re smaller and easier to deal with than their larger cousins.



But still put on a lovely show.



These pictures were taken a few weeks ago, before Maine started its horrible drought and heat wave. Things were still green, instead of the crunchy brown they are now. It’s amazing how fast the change can come. Today’s temperature?



91 and feels like 104…. at 9:00am!! Unheard of in my state. Our two window a/c units are working overtime and barely keeping up. Even His Lordship is feeling it….



Which is why I put him on an ice pack.

When I tried to remove it?



I got the look.



20 thoughts on “Purple haze and cats on ice.”

  1. Wanting to keep an older longhair cat cool is the reason I bought a room a/c unit. In prior heatwaves I’ve put out ice packs for the cats nut they didn’t like them, nor ice cubes in their water bowls.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s the same look I get when I tell my wife something I think would help with a problem she complained about. When will I ever learn she wants me to commiserate, not alleviate?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In the first few months after my hysterectomy, when I was thrown into menopause? I would lie in the couch with multiple ice packs. Highly recommend it!


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