Christmas chuckles.


If it stood still.. I used to decorate it for Christmas. I’ve strung lights on roofs, railings, windows, stone walls, mailbox posts and well houses. I’ve had lighted reindeer, snowflakes, trees, snowmen, holly leaves and yes, an alligator.

Trust me when I say stringing lights and keeping them lit is a full time job in Maine winters. It’s not for the faint hearted and over the years I’ve simply lost the will. These days I throw some wreaths on the windows and doors, some candles in the windows and call it good.

But every once in a while I’ll see something that makes me want to decorate again…



Christmas chickens!



You have to admit… that’s different.

And while I don’t have a farm, I do have a large barn where those birds would look right at home.


35 thoughts on “Christmas chuckles.”

  1. Love the Christmas Chickens! We have also abandoned stringing up lights. We go to a Christmas Shop on a tree farm each year and buy one decoration (they’re kind of expensive) to set on a table or in the corner or whatever. So, as the years go buy the inside of our house gets a little more Christmassy during the Christmas season.

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  2. I used to hang from the roof hanging every light, and string some across the yard in the most gaudy of displays. I loved to do it. These days, however, I just get inflatables and laser lights and call it good.

    Say, do those hen lights come in a retriever?

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      1. Nothing showed up on the first one, but the second one is just the cutest! The third one is a must have. I need a $1000, stat. But, on second thought, there was an option just above that’s more Christmassy (and more affordable) that will suit me just fine. Gonna see if it falls to half off next week and bring that puppy (literally) home!

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