Gulp… Part 4.


The next section of this wild and weirdly wonderful book covers the uncomfortable topic of … how shall I put it? Storage space.



A workable alternative?

Not for me!



‘Hooped’ means rectally imported.

I live to educate.



I will never look at a bicycle tire pump the same way again.




Okay ladies, raise your hands. How many of you orgasmed during childbirth?

I don’t have children, so tell me… is that really a thing? All the birth videos I’ve seen show women screaming, but it sure doesn’t look like it’s with pleasure.


19 thoughts on “Gulp… Part 4.”

  1. Oh sure, after birthing (natural not Caesarian) three large boys (one of them almost 11 lbs) the first thing I think about is sexual pleasure……NOT. The contractions and pain, sweating, thirst (because they won’t give you anything to drink during childbirth) and sheer exhaustion is so erotic, there are no words. If you couldn’t tell, I’m being sarcastic 🙄🤨. But the dude trying to smuggle staples, ginger rings and everything else, now that sounds painful…..prison wallet, that’s hilarious 🤣.

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  2. In the novel “Papillon”, the author spoke of stashing cash and other items in cigar tubes and inserting them … ah … there. I think it is a common practice. But a cellphone? I can’t imagine.

    I probably should stay out of the childbirth orgasm discussion, but I did have a lady friend who had little trouble birthing and claimed that she had orgasms with all four of her children. She is a big strapping Nordic woman, so maybe stature matters? Again, I can’t imagine.

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  3. Waiting nine months for an orgasm? Reminds we of the old kid’s joke about an astronaut discovering women on the moon. The women had never had intercourse (no men, obviously), so as the man was demonstrating “stirring his stick in her pot” the woman asks, so what happens next, he says, “In nine months you will have a baby.” Her response, “Keep Stirring! Keep stirring!”

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  4. I think I made several wrong turns on one way streets when I got off the interstate. Is it too late to call 911 and beg to be rescued ? I have heard of Grimm’s fairy tales however this is extreme. A sphincter too far so to speak. I think I just saw Steven King running the other way.

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