Lake Willoughby.


The undiscovered country is always the best.. and when we travel, we love nothing more than stumbling upon a place we never knew existed.

Enter Lake Willoughby in Vermont.



Imagine randomly picking a road to travel home and finding this.



Not being in any hurry, we stopped.



And groaned at the bad grammar.



But bad spelling aside…. wow.



There was a path that ran alongside part of the lake and though I wasn’t dressed for hiking, I happily headed out.



This is a glacial lake and every part of it was glorious.



My pictures don’t really do it justice, but in spots the colors were positively surreal.



The wind was ripping and I couldn’t feel my nose, but we pressed on.



Being careful not to trample any seedlings.



Mountains, rocks and a glacial lake.

Yes please.

To be continued…


12 thoughts on “Lake Willoughby.”

      1. That’s what VRBO tells me. Most of the ones on the lake itself are pretty steep, but there are others on ponds that are more affordable. I’m still selling Cathy on Lake Champlain, with a side trip to poke around Ausable Chasm. Once I get Cathy in front of some pics… See what happens.

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