Because His Lordship gets what His Lordship wants.

I often wonder how Lord Dudley Mountcatten manages to looks pudgy when the silly cat actually eats very little. Maybe half a Fancy Feast tin in the morning and another half at night… on a good day. Sometimes he just turns his nose up and walks away.

He won’t eat fish, or treats, or any human food. He won’t eat anything sliced, diced or shredded. The husband laughs at my attempts to stimulate his Royal highness’s appetite… and it’s not uncommon to see me following the little bugger around the house at mealtime with a bowl of food and a spoon. ( the cat, not the husband )

So when Lord Dudley recently expressed an interest in being fed on the laundry room windowsill?



His loyal minion obeyed and fed him on the laundry room windowsill.



Dinner with a view, you can’t blame him. And I’d already covered the dryer with a soft towel for his comfort… so why not?



Well, that wasn’t necessary.



No. Not spoiled at all…



30 thoughts on “Because His Lordship gets what His Lordship wants.”

  1. No, not spoiled whatsoever. Darn cats, Charlie on the other hand is fatter than usual this winter. He weights 26 lbs and I could barely lift his fat butt off the floor the other day. He eats dry food, wet food, raspberry pop tarts, licks the butter off toast, eats chunks of cheese and licks the foam milk from my coffee. Well at least His Lordship has a view with dinner…lol.

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  2. Our cats will eat but it’s hard to say what they will do on a given day. Archie likes toast crumbs, which is good, considering the amount of tea and toast I go through. An ham. anytime. Betty will eat anything, but only when she feels like it. Otto likes butter. Don’t leave it uncovered. Archie has a serious talent: he can pick up a piece of sliced ham off the kitchen floor with his tongue.

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  3. Our cats eat almost everything and anything. Wet, dry, people, insects, and they sit and cackle at the birds in the feeder, so they would probably eat them too. When we eat meatless meals they look at us like we are crazy.
    Poor Halverstock (silent “L”) did not get fed much as a baby, I guess, and he will moan if his plate is empty, even when he is the one who just emptied it. He must have food available 24/7 even if he isn’t hungry. He just needs to know it is there. He just had his 5th birthday and he has been with us since he was about 3 months. He was born wild, and found living under an abandoned house with his mother and siblings. He could not have been without food for long, but he has never forgotten.
    Other names, in order of age, are Diabola Blanca (white devil woman in Portugese), Tecumseh, Millicent (Halvi’s sister, the L still silent), and SiSi, who is the spitting image of an ealier cat I had named Isis (before Isis became a terrorist organization).

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    1. Dudley cackles like crazy at the birds from the back of the couch, but loses interest when he’s outside. Then he’s on mouse patrol…
      I feed our guy wet food for breakfast and dinner, the dry bowl is always full. He’s a nibbler, but doesn’t have a big appetite.


  4. If I had such a cat, I’d name him RILEY, because that’s the life he leads. But the only pets I ever had were dogs and ducks, so I’ve been spoiled by critters who weren’t ‘en-titled.’

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  5. Oh my God. Cheddar just spent the last half hour pestering me for his evening meal, even though it wasn’t time yet. The husband warned me that even well-fed cats will act like they’ve never been fed. Sounds like Dudley is an outlier, but I’m glad you found out his preferred booth at the restaurant, so to speak.

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  6. I’ve been fortunate to not have the stereotypical finicky cat. Ody will eat anything that doesn’t eat him first… well, unless it’s a pill. A spoiled cat would have a candlelight dinner….. just saying.

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  7. I would want that set-up if I was His Lordship. My cat used to spend hours on the top of a bookcase which went just high enough to allow a view out a window. We never had to bring food to his set-up, but if I had his view on the world I’d certainly welcome the opportunity to have the kitchen come to me! Maybe I’ll start eating next to the sliding doors…

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  8. My cats won’t eat wet food with square bits in it… they’ll lick the gravy/sauce and leave the meat (which I thenfeed to strays). Pate, shreds, and ground are all fine. I guess cats can have texture issues too.

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    1. Dudley won’t eat anything but pate. No diced, no shredded, no pieces and parts. He won’t eat any seafood flavor either. A cat who doesn’t like tuna, how is that possible?


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