Progress? How can you tell…


Another area of the crap mausoleum cellar is being cleared in preparation for work and there’s one extremely heavy item in the way.



This time, I can’t even blame my husband.



The rather odd looking wood stove was here when we moved in 21 years ago, and here it has stayed. We tried selling it at a yard sale years ago but there were no takers. I’m guessing if we ever sell our house? It will be our parting gift to the new owners as well. Why break tradition.



Farther along there’s a large pile of tires. Do they… or did they ever…. fit one of our vehicles? No. But they’re resting on a nice fluffy piece of quilt stuffing so at least they’re comfortable.




In keeping with the old, rusty, inoperable and weighs a ton theme? Another adding machine.



Buried in the back.. next to the extra refrigerator we didn’t need but he bought anyway.. is a nice old toboggan. Why? Just because he could.



Does the husband have a few old Life magazines?



I’d like to tell you that’s all of them.

I really would.



Looking back, the far right corner is done.

Not that you can see it through all the junk of course.


31 thoughts on “Progress? How can you tell…”

  1. Perhaps he is preparing the cellar for a “xxxx mausoleum” for public display.
    Those life magazines must be a good read into the past.
    How times have changed. I really hate saying this but “the good old days” were so much better.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You could say “That’s Life” — but then you’d be stealing my pun, which would not only be (very) petty theft, but might be something you’d regret for the rest of your Life.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I am hoping the hubs is ridiculously happy. He has touched each of his “treasures” dozens of times lately, moving them here to there to there.
    But I pity you — for when he leaves this world, he will not take all the junk with him, and you will have to call a museum to see if they want any of it. I suggest a museum in Japan, or Germany, or somewhere that all this stuff will be new to. I doubt anyone in North America will want it…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I tried. I tried real hard. I thought why not get paid if you can? But i can’t stop you turning a silk purse into a sow’s ear unless you think outside the box.


  3. This reminds me of my childhood and my father who collected just about everything. For a while. Because he knew he’d use it. Somehow. I feel for you. Mess like that, and the people who collect it, can be infuriating.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Wrong market. I am guessing they are pretty common up there in blizzard country. Down here, they are harder to get, and can either be operational or ornamental. I know I would consider the purchase if I came across it down here.

        Liked by 1 person

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