Rest In Peace Uncle Donny.


We were told my husband’s cousin would call us. We thought it would be to lift the ridiculous no family visitors ban he’d implemented at Uncle Donny’s bedside .. but we were wrong.

When he finally did call and leave a message?

It was to tell us his father had passed.



Uncle Donny.

When we lived in North Carolina he would visit once or twice a year. Our cat Bubba instantly adopted him.



He was a Vietnam vet with over 20 years in the Air Force. An honest and decent man.



Seen here with his sister, my husband’s mother.



If you needed money to pay your rent? Uncle Donny.

If you needed someone to help you move? Uncle Donny.

If your child needed school clothes, a car, college tuition? Uncle Donny.

He was a lovable goofball with a big generous heart.

Though I hold him personally responsible for my spouse’s addiction to yard saling and filling our cellar with crap, I also have fond memories of trolling flea markets with him and enjoying his childlike glee when he would find a “treasure”.



Rest In Peace Uncle Donny.

You were, quite simply…. a good egg.

And will be deeply missed.



40 thoughts on “Rest In Peace Uncle Donny.”

  1. I have tears in my eyes. I’m so sorry about your loss, especially since you and your husband weren’t allowed a proper goodbye; Donny sounds like an amazing soul. Big hugs. XO

    Liked by 2 people

  2. RIP Uncle Donny, from what you wrote he was a great man. That alone is hard to find these days. Is it me or does Bubby look a little like Uncle Donny? lol Either way Bubba was a handsome cat, just don’t tell His Lordship.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My husband has a lot of the same traits. Probably why I love them both.
      Bubba was a special little guy. A stray who came to us limping on 3 legs. He had the fourth… but it was so damaged that he couldn’t use it. He and Donny bonded immediately. And now I’ve lost them both.

      Liked by 1 person

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