Gardening woes.


It’s bad enough I have to battle baby woodchucks stripping my flower gardens bare.



They’re adorable, but it’s very hard to make them stop nibbling.



I heard shredding Irish Spring around the plants helps, so I’m all in.



My other problem this year?



A mouse.

Who beheaded all my lovely marigolds and dragged the blooms under our shed.



I didn’t even have a chance to photograph the pretty alternating yellow and orange combination before all I was left with was this…



Because as soon as the mouse ripped off all the blooms?

The chucks ate 3/4’s of the leaves.

But I fixed them.



I planted a row of taller crown daisies and no one likes those.



39 thoughts on “Gardening woes.”

  1. Irish Spring has that reputation. I once put a bar beneath the hood of my car to deter mice who were chewing wires close to the engine. It actually worked. Which is a bit unnerving, as Irish Spring is my go-to soap…

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