Tag Archives: woodchucks

Choking the cherry.


During our last N’or Easter, my poor choke cherry tree took a hit.



It’s an old ragged tree that was here when we moved in 20 years ago, but the blooms are lovely in the spring and the cherries are bright red in the fall… even if they are inedible.



With all the rain and melting snow we’ve had, the high wind busted off quite a few limbs.



So my husband went out to deal with the mess.



And disturbed a few woodchucks who were sunning themselves on the stone wall in the process.



It’s been a while since my husband has fired up the chain saw.



And the fumes were toxic.



But once the air cleared, my poor tree got a trim.



And the wood shed got a pile of cherry.





Random bits.


I’ve always loved bugs and insects, the bigger and weirder the better. My father used to swear he found a new variety in the garden every year and I believe it’s true. Their diversity is amazing.

That being said, you know I was thrilled when I found this little beauty in my flower bed the other day.



Now that’s a spider!



Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this product’s Amazon pricing?




I think we’re down to four woodchucks now.



I haven’t seen six together for quite a while so I’m guessing momma finally booted some of their big butts out of the burrow.




I wish they’d had these when I was young and in love with dinosaurs.


Up close and personal.


The other day my husband went to the woodshed to pull out his garden cart and came back in the house shortly after.

“I think one of your woodchucks is hurt” he said.

That made me drop what I was doing and rush out back to find this:



Junior, momma chuck’s full grown offspring from last year.. the one who never left the nest, was wedged in between the cart, some wood and a few landscaping bricks.

Or was he?

I knelt down, spoke softly and determined he wasn’t stuck… just scared.



We backed off, hid around the corner and waited for 10 minutes but he wouldn’t move.

Wanting to get on with his chores the husband slowly pulled the cart out of the shed and bam!

Junior was off like a shot to hide under the deck.

Not hurt, just antisocial.
