Tag Archives: Leaving Neverland

Because Babs and I need to chat….


I’m going to take a (semi) serious moment here.


Dear Barbra Streisand,

I’m not a fan.

I’ve never been a fan.

And while I admit to liking The Way We Were back in the day, that had more to do with a young, delicious Robert Redford than you.




Okay, I get it.

You can sing.

But your poor me, I’m an ugly Jewish girl persona wears thin. You’re a multi millionaire, surrounded by luxury, awards and adored by half the world….




So your nose is big.

Boo frickin’ hoo.

Get over it!

My butt is big and I don’t have millions of dollars, but you don’t hear me whining.

(Well, maybe a little.)

That being said, I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that your recent comments about Micheal Jackson’s accusers left me liking you even less.

Could you have been any more callous?

I don’t think so.


In an interview with The Times of London published on Friday, Ms. Streisand also showed sympathy for Mr. Jackson, saying, “His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has.”

“You can say ‘molested,’ but those children, they were thrilled to be there,” she continued. “They both married and they both have children, so it didn’t kill them.”





No, it didn’t kill them.

But wow.

You said Micheal Jackson had pedophile DNA.




If you watched  “Leaving Neverland”  and gave a statement like that?

You are one cold hearted bitch and have lost the single grain of respect I previously had for you.




A thoroughly disgusted non fan.