Here we go again…


It’s been a while since Facebook’s targeted Ball Wash ads flooded my feed. And silly me, I thought I was over the proverbial hump. Then I saw this…



Ball Hammocks are not a step up…. and I seriously doubt dads need them. I mean really, look at that man. You can tell he would much rather have gotten a tie.



Damn. Now I’m going to have to give up pizza forever.



Bambi Bunchers? Please, no.



Sweet Jesus. I really don’t care if your nuts are happy… and is it me? Or do those nuts look more like garlic anyway.



There are a lot of wonderful places in the world to make love. Under a chocolate chip cookie is not one of them.



I suppose cozy tube steak was inevitable.




Not the red squirrel…..



24 thoughts on “Here we go again…”

  1. The amount of time and effort that gets put towards mens’ comfort is astounding, meanwhile you are still wearing the same bra design from 1940.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Okay, I know it’s wrong to ask this, because the product is wrong in the first place, but why is this “comfort hammock” composed mainly of what appears to be tight-ass, restrictive Spandex? Does somebody not understand the word “comfort”? Los huevos need to breathe, people. Not incubate.

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