Pandemic humor


Because I wonder if we’ll ever go back to “normal”.



A tasty alphabet to be sure.



I’m all for that.



I’ve never seen that ridiculous show, but I did get a kick out of this.



No doubt! Have patience with your servers… they’re over worked, under staffed and have to deal with the public on a daily basis. For that they deserve hazard pay.





21 thoughts on “Pandemic humor”

  1. If I can’t believe everything that I read on the Internet, then can I believe anything I read there? There is no Rivergirl. There is no Rivergirl. There is no Rivergirl. Okay, no more Rivergirl. Now, is there even a rawgod?
    Gotta love the PPE pic. I think they should make that real, everywhere. Then see how many keep on refusing to believe. As for the sign in the bar, no one will want the job. Who wants to deal with themselves? They already know how miserable they can be.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. But is there a bar? (Don’t know if you will appreciate this or not, but joking with you about believing what is on the interner parallels a discussion I am having with a friend about whether we really exist at our in our space/time dimension. From the macro to the micro, or the other way around. There are always questions to which nobody has the answers.)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That almost sounds problematic, to an ex-addiction counsellor. But considering your advanced age, as well as my own, the current me says, “Rock it, Rivergirl. You’ve earned the right to be whoever you want to be.”

        Liked by 1 person

      3. No worries. My alcohol consumption is a long running joke, but I’m really just a social drinker. As for age, I take umbrage at that advanced statement. I prefer to think of 57 as delightfully mellowed.


      4. Lol. Then your hubby must be a cradle-robber. But who am I to speak, my partner is 17 years younger than I am. At some point the years in between stop mattering. We’re all just people, after all.

        Liked by 1 person

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