I have to ask…


Where the Hell is everyone?



I’m not normally one to fret over my post stats but lately I’ve noticed an awful echo in blogland. My views have dropped by half in the past few months and I’m wondering if my readers have moved on to parts unknown… or are simply sick of my drivel and cut me out like a malignant tumor.

What say you?

Am I too much of a good thing, or is it getting lonely here at WordPress…


41 thoughts on “I have to ask…”

  1. Still around. I purged a bunch of blogs because I don’t have time to read them all but still visit them when time (read: procrastination) hits occasionally. So yes, a drop in readership from me across WP.
    You didn’t get purged from my list though… 😉 I do like the barn husband updates. 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t know what’s going on but I’ve noticed the same thing. And I only post once a week….maybe. I read your blog daily, along with about 7 or 8 that I follow regularly. But I’ve noticed a hard drop in my readers. Oh well, what can I say? I’m blaming COVID…🤔.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I wonder whether it is partly because the Pandemic restrictions have been lifting and people are getting back out there. I have noticed a lot of bloggers who appeared during the Pandemic no longer seem to post anything. It could be all sorts though. I do think that there has been a massive uptake in platforms like TikTak and Twister.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Not really sure. One is for videos of people messing about, doing funny dances etc The other seems more for broadcasting opinions – and seems to generally cause trouble.


  4. I couldn’t even tell you what my stats are (other than Likes to my posts seem to be running in the same range), and in any case, a drop wouldn’t effect the content or frequency of my posts.. Maybe a blogger needs to be as old as me not to give a ‘stat’s ass’ about the numbers!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t know if I can speak for anyone else, but here goes. First, I AM here. I’m reading and laughing and loving you. Second, my life is so stupid that I don’t even feel like I have time for a “like” even when I do like it – which is always, my friend. Finally, I am stressed out. If I miss a post, I feel guilty. Then I skim multiples and feel guilty that I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

    It isn’t you. It is war and work and coaching spring sports and checking papers and mourning my dad and FILL IN THE BLANK.

    You are still incredibly amazing. I know that you will lift my spirits no matter where I am mentally. I’m sorry if it feels like we’ve left you.

    AND your blog often randomly disappears from my subscription list. Maybe this is happening a lot, and your readers haven’t paid enough attention??

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you. And believe me, I don’t expect my readers to read every drop of my nonsense but the rapid reduction was strange. You’re right about followers being dropped, it’s happened to a few of my friends as well.. though there’s no explanation.
      Please don’t stress, missing posts is certainly nothing to feel guilty about. We all have lives and should enjoy them far away from social media.

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      1. Your writing actually matters to me. First and foremost, you make me laugh. But I also appreciate your love of the language and your artful/colorful way of writing. If you’ve lost readers, it is not because of anything YOU did.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries. I realize I’ve become ridiculously prolific since Covid. Once warmer weather hits I’ll be cutting back. And thanks for putting up with the flood….


  6. One word: cats. OK, they’re not the only reason I’m so busy. In fact, we keep asking ourselves why we’re so dang busy this school year. Who knows, but even though I often get behind, I always try to catch up with my blog buddies.

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