The one where His Lordship takes a dirt bath, battles a peony and checks out the man cave.


I think he does it just to aggravate me.



On every walk, he will find every patch of dirt.



And roll until he and his harness are filthy. The spot underneath the bird feeders that’s mixed with empty seed husks and poo is a favorite.



And when you can’t find a woodchuck to play with? Peonies have to do.

Hard to believe in the year since we adopted his Lordship, he’s never made it out to the man cave. There’s something about the barn which always gives him pause. Oh, he’ll walk around it and try to crawl underneath it.. but it took me a good 9 months to get him comfortable sitting on the porch. Then yesterday out of nowhere he scratched on the door….



And viola!



A whole new area to explore.



I thought he’d enjoy it, but before long he was whining and pawing at the windows to get out.

He’s a strange little dude our Dudley.


18 thoughts on “The one where His Lordship takes a dirt bath, battles a peony and checks out the man cave.”

  1. This reminded me of the time we had to temporarily relocate our cat to my grandparents’ home. When we put him down he took one look around and bolted upstairs to the third floor. Over the next couple of hours he started walking around…then to the second floor…and the first. Whole process took about four hours, but it was imperative he checked out everything first from top to bottom.

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  2. Several of my cats prefer rolling at the base of trees that dogs have peed on. I tend to forget till I’ve got my face in their fur and am taking a big huff of kittie-covered-in-pee.

    Liked by 1 person

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