Tag Archives: shame

Let’s play.


Just in case you’re bored and have nothing better to do.



We have a closet next to our hutch.



And like the junk drawer in our kitchen, it’s my guilty secret. When I don’t know what to do something, or other proper storage areas are full?

I cram it in the closet of shame.



There are tools and Tupperware.

Batteries and basting sauce.

Flashlights and flour.

Mayonnaise and markers.

A crockpot and crazy glue.

There’s no rhyme or reason…wood stain is next to beef broth and egg noodles rest on a tube of epoxy.

Once a year I organize and rearrange, but it doesn’t last long. Chaos wins every time.

And if the shelves are nuts, the tiny floor isn’t much better.



It’s crammed with 50 lb bags of bird seed, fox food, deer grain and now duck pellets. Which, by the way… the ducks don’t like and won’t eat.

My name is River, and this is my closet of shame.

How about you?

What brings shame to your household….


News you can’t use.


Or maybe you can. What do I know?



I’ve driven up there many times but never hiked it. Thanks for making me look like a slacker dog.



In a word, yes.



I have no words for that one.



I’d love to buy this for a Game of Thrones addict friend of mine. Too funny.



Nothing is ever really lost. It’s just always hiding in the last place you look. Check someone else’s bladder and get back to me.


Shame on you.


If you’re not watching this…



I have two things to say:

Why the Hell not?


You should be. (Because you really should.)

Equal parts food…



Stunning scenery…..



And history…..



Not to mention Tucci’s droll wit… (Do you know he broke the internet with a cocktail? My kind of guy. ) it really is a wonderful show.

So what are you waiting for?

Sunday 9:00pm on CNN.

