The purge continues…





No, not that kind.

Although now that I think about it….




Maybe one night would be alright.


I’m talking about my  damn it, the shelves are about to break  walk in closet clothing purge.

Last week I sorted through 107 pairs of jeans and capris.

This week? I attacked the shirts.




Should I tell you there were 133 stacked there…. and that’s not counting what was hanging or hiding in 3 large bureaus?

No… I don’t think I will.




Purging is work.

And time consuming.

Not to mention depressing as hell when you realize how many items you actually can’t fit into anymore.



(If you’ve never done this, and have no idea what I’m talking about?

You’re too thin…. and I don’t think we can be friends.)

What to keep?

What to discard?




I purged.




And have 4 more bags to donate to Salvation Army.

Yes, I hated to give up the Sometimes I Amaze Myself tee shirt… because damn it, sometimes I do!

But you have to be ruthless when you purge.

Before – 133.




After –  47.






I was ruthless I tell you.




Apparently just like the sadistic bananas at your local grocer’s.

38 thoughts on “The purge continues…”

  1. Before my wife ventures into her closet, she ties one end of a rope to a bedpost and the other around her waist. It is how she finds her way out.

    Me? I never go into my closet. It’s full of her stuff.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I actually have a large seasonal shoe rotation and wear most. Though I do admit the older I get the farther the high heels get pushed to the back.


  2. Well good for you, even if you gave up your “amazing” T-shirt. And I totally get what your saying when we do this only to find that things we fit into a couple of years ago no longer do, ugh. Darn you chocolate croissants!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just because you can fit into 47 (if you stop breathing for a minute or 2) why do you NEED so many???
    And you pick on hubby for hoarding in the barn!!

    Okay I give up–who is the clan in the black tie group picture???

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have a lot of clothes. I’m glad that you’re purging some of them and find it interesting how you’ve decided to go about it category by category. Best of luck in your project.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Omg, I loved that banana meme, lol. Yay for another spring cleaning purge! Your thrift store is probably loving you. I think your closet/shelves most definitely are.

    Liked by 1 person

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