Magazine chuckles.


I have stacks and stacks of free magazines I have yet to read. ( If you’re interested let me know, I’ll hook you up.)

Here are a few articles that got my attention.



Online reviews of our National Parks. Proof positive people are idiots.

Although it’s hard to argue with ‘a very very large hole’ for the Grand Canyon.



Thank you, no.

A month ago they were pushing mermaid shampoo and that was bad enough.



Avocado pudding?

I’d rather eat kale stuffed meatless meatballs.



I think I’ve mentioned my hatred of dolls and all things doll like. But a museum filled with uber creepy antique ones?

Now that’s a blog worth writing.




I am so down with that!



Kind of underwhelming?

We visited Plymouth last fall and saw this oh so famous rock.

Kind of is the understatement of the year.


18 thoughts on “Magazine chuckles.”

  1. I have a “Tampa Rock” to commemorate my arrival. Since they seem to be running out of ideas to print (and brain cells of those doing the printing), maybe I can get a story published about my rock. It is a nice rock. Really nice. Kind of “stony”. It was a little bigger than the other rocks next to it. It “spoke” to me. It said “Hey, it took me 4 trillion years to get here, and you plan on moving me in about 5 seconds. Stop”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love those snarkalicous cards describing the National Parks!! If I had to describe El Paso it would be……….”Beige, dusty beige, hot and dry……Very, very desert-y”…lmao.

    On the upside, No tornados, earthquakes, tropical storms, hurricanes or any other natural disaster’s to speak of. If you want un-natural disasters try morning rush hour traffic going west on I-10. Yep, that pretty much sums up my hometown.

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