We’ve all been there.


Epic fails in the kitchen. They usually happen when you’re having your MIL or the boss over for dinner.

So when I saw these online the other day? I had to share…



Not even close.



Funny, I’ve made this dish as well… but had no idea it was Italian.




Sometimes they just like to screw with you.



Ninja throwing apples!

I like.



Oh, hell no!

That mouth. I just can’t…



I’m all for making pets out of rocks, they’re so obedient. But this looks more like a creepy charcoal briquette.



It’s official.

I will never eat sausage again.


31 thoughts on “We’ve all been there.”

  1. I’ve made the mistake of pouring my homemade chicken stock down the drain as well. But that was because I was on the phone with my friend trying to explain something for the nine-hundredth time and poof, my stock went down the sink. I still blame her for that…lol

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