Because when it’s my husband’s birthday…


You know there’s only one answer to the question, “ what do you want to do to celebrate?”



Antiquing of course.

This time around it was the semi famous, at least in Maine… Elmers Barn. A ramshackle place that looks small from the front but feels like it’s 10 football fields deep once you’re inside.



In other words, husband heaven.

And because technically it was a barn at one time….



This lovely fellow greeted us upon arrival.

My husband turned 75 that day and to be honest, for the last few years he’s been feeling his age. The combination of a global plague, retirement, health issues, multiple deaths of friends and family, and the general weariness of aches and pains that are more prevalent when you spend considerable time on this side of the dirt have finally caught up to him. This winter the twinkle in his eye has faded and there’s not much spring in his step. Once the weather turns and he’s able to soak up some sun and fresh air I’m sure he’ll perk back up… but for now all I could offer was a day sifting and sorting through piles of useless crap untold treasure and a promise he could buy whatever he wanted without nary an eye roll from me.

Oh, the sacrifices I make for love.



This was one of the first things we saw when we walked in and I fervently hoped he wouldn’t want to buy it. Dolls in general creep me out, but dolls with dead eyes who look ready to consume your soul in one easy gulp?

No. Thank. You.



Needless to say we spent hours in this store and saw our share of strange things. Vintage snow sled with training wheels?




Taxidermy with stylish chapeaux?




I lost the husband in the aptly named ‘tool room’ for a long period of time, but surprisingly after spending half the day in a creaky old barn that promised 3 floors of odd and unusual…. there were very few items that could be described as either. Quite disappointing, that.

And though I fully expected to strain my eyes in a valiant attempt to stop them rolling… my beloved only made one small five dollar purchase that day.



An antique wooden tap for the man cave.

Color me surprised.


32 thoughts on “Because when it’s my husband’s birthday…”

    1. My husband’s perspective on life changed a few years ago after a triple by pass. It’s a serious wake up call that makes you hyper aware of your own mortality.


      1. I’m always pointing out things like that to my husband. He looks at me like I’m crazy and wonders why it bothers me so much. God help us, we were driving by a sign that read “no bussess on bridge” when he asked.


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