Sensory overload and a naked man.


We found a very, how shall I say? ….unique antique store last week.



It was an old Victorian house with elaborate overgrown gardens and more stuff than I have ever seen crammed into one place at one time.



Yes, even more than my husband has in our basement. And trust me, that’s saying something.



It was a veritable jam packed maze with room after room of … stuff.



Advertised as an antique store, it was also filled with arts, crafts and assorted holiday decorations.



I’m hoping the hand was for Halloween.

I really am.



We had a long conversation with the owner who astoundingly told us it only took him 10 years to fill the place. Honestly? It could take a person that long just to go through it.

He also reiterated what my husband heard at the flea market. No one is buying. Anything. Lots of dealers are calling it quits.

Proof positive there is such a thing as too much stuff.

We discovered he lives upstairs and he told us that area is just as heavily populated with his personal collections. The mind boggles.

As we were leaving my husband said that made sense because he thought he saw a naked man on the balcony when we walked in.


How do you not lead with that observation?


37 thoughts on “Sensory overload and a naked man.”

  1. I’m guessing you took the pic of the outside on the way out – thus missing the nude. Just think, if your timing was better we your loyal readers could have copped an eyeful. The shop was very pretty, if a little cramped. I could have been tempted on a few of the lamps/light fittings.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so glad I’m not a collector of anything, anymore. Anything? Well, maybe thoroughbred race horses. A new one appeared on Sunday. I didn’t collect it, it just popped right out of my old gray mare. Literally. As our trainer/midwife described it, she saw the mare lay down on CCTV, so she rushed out to the birthing stall (a two minute run), and by the time she got there the foal was lying in the straw, and mommy was standing there, looking proud of herself. A colt, after two daughters, and two granddaughters. Suddenly I have 6 horses: two broodmares, one runner, one in training to run next year, and now two 2022 foals. Life is going to get expensive!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you. But the colt is still extremely sensitive to his new environment. These first few days are always nail-biters. His brother only lived 29 days in 2014, looking wonderful for 28 days and suffering some kind of equine Sudden Infant Death Syndrome on his 29th night. He was our first foal, and it devastated us. Our fingers are crossed, but with horse babies one never knows.

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      2. Unfortunately CJ succumbed to an infection last night. The vet tried his best, but whatever bug it was took him down and though he fought like hell the bug won. He will be buried this afternoon, next to his older brother.

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      3. It is part of nature. We just have to accept it, mourn, and move on. But it hurts. He was small, but he looked perfectly built. We thought he had a good chance of living. Nature can be cruel.

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  3. I am laughing so hard at your husband and the naked man comment! That’s a knee slapper.
    That place gives me chills. TOO.MUCH.CLUTTER.
    But, I did notice all the uranium glass on the shelves in front of the window. 😳

    Liked by 1 person

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