Tag Archives: trains

The Cog


The final stop on our leaf peeping day trip tour was the Cog Railway on Mount Washington.



This is one of those “must do” tourist things that we’ve never managed to do and since we were in the area, we thought… why not?



The answer to that question was hundreds of other tourists who thought the same thing. The place was packed and there was no space available on the trains for the next 3 days without reservations.

The Cog is a strange beast.



And like no other train ride you’re ever apt to take.



So even though we couldn’t find a seat, we stayed to watch.



With a slowly dying beautiful remnant of summer.



That’s the husband taking a closer look at the bridge.



And this is the Cog.



Beginning it’s climb up the mountain at a breath taking 2.7 mph.



Here’s a shot of the unique rail line.



I won’t bore those who don’t care about trains or history, but if you’re interested you can check this out:




In this part of the world, it’s pretty famous.



One of these things is not like the others….


I wish someone had told me kissing was a full contact sport.

I would have worn appropriate protection.




You’d think after many happy years of marriage the husband and I would have perfected the technique, but alas…. accidents happen.



And this kiss was rather like a train wreck.

Yesterday when the other half came home from work, I went into the kitchen to give him a smooch.

I moved in, he moved in… and bam!




He broke my toe.




Talk about seeing stars.

And not in a good way…




Sadly, my feet are my worst feature and I have troubles. The troubles of a woman 30 years older than she actually is.

Bunions? Check.

The beginning of hammer toes? Check.  (Thanks mom, it’s hereditary)

And I’m always barefoot in the summer so this isn’t my first rodeo with broken toes.

It is however, my first broken toe due to kissing.

Which makes me wonder if I need to wear this next time we get frisky in the bedroom…




(Minus the cigar of course.)

Either that…

Or I need to learn  Taekwon-toe.



I know…

But I couldn’t resist!