

I love to word.

I love to read them, write them, and learn them.

And I love weirdo words most of all.

When you travel you hear words unique to certain regions and words used in different contexts.


Ya gotta love them.




So when I saw this the other day?

I knew I had to share.




I admit I’ve been known to make use of dingleberry, dicombobulated and kerfuffle now and then…. although I’m not nearly old enough to drop whippersnapper into a conversation any time soon.

In Maine we tend to say things are wicked. As in “That margarita is wicked good”  or “That beer is wicked cold”.

We also can lose control of our cars and end up in the  puckerbrush.

Mainers say  ayuh  when we mean yes.

We call submarine sandwiches Italians.

If you’re cute? We’ll call you  cunnin’.

If something is the best? We’ll say it’s  finest kind.

If you live far away from town? That would be the willy wacks.

And if you live really far away from town? That’s  bumblefuckEgypt.




So educate me.

What words do you use in your backyard?



31 thoughts on “Wording.”

  1. It would be mendacious of me to insinuate I have an erudite vernacular, but in these hebetudinous times, it would be churlish, indeed truculent, not to attempt to be more quixotic with regards loquaciousness.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Peanse: whining, especially a baby. “Stop your peansing.”

    Rutch: To move around. “Stop rutching “, to a restless child in church. “We’ll give it a final rutch.” – moving a heavy object into place.

    Of course, the old sayings are dying out.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Honyoke.- uncultured immigrant – stupid person (our family always pronounced it hine yok) Some etymologist say the word honky sprang from it.
    Hork – as in “don’t hork off the redhead!” (no official definition) can mean vomit, steal, irk clear the sinuses …
    Chutzpah – unmitigated gall, brass. (kh)-hoots-pah

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Native Texan speech:

    Ain’t- contraction for “am not”, “is not”, “has not”, and “have not”
    Blue northern- very cold
    Brung- dialect past and past participle of bring
    Cattywampus- not centered or straight
    Clodhopper- a foolish, awkward, or clumsy person
    Conniption- to get upset and raise a ruckus
    Fetch- to go for and bring back someone or something
    Fixin’- getting ready to do something.
    Folks- people in general
    Fuss- to show unnecessary or excessive concern about something
    Git- to leave
    Gully-washer- an unexpected amount of rain
    Hanker- to feel a strong desire for or to do something
    Holler- a loud cry of shout
    Hoot- an amusing person or thing
    Howdy- a greeting used in the southern United States
    Hush- to make silent or quiet
    Kin- one’s family and relations
    Persnickety- having the characteristics of a snob
    Piddle- to spend time in a wasteful or ineffective way
    Reckon- to be of the opinion
    Ruckus- to cause a commotion
    Shindig- a party
    Tarnation- used as a euphemism for “damnation”
    Tump- to tip or dump over
    Uppity- self important; arrogant
    Vittles- food and drink
    Whomperjawed- an object or person that is out of sorts
    Whup- to beat or thrash
    Y’all- second person plural noun
    Yonder- some distance in the direction indicated

    I’ve also been striving to use one you taught me; overmorrow.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. We use quite a few of those words in the UK. We also have vastly different regional dialects, even for simple things like what you call a round price of bread – roll, barm, bap, batch and if you use the wrong word in the wrong area, they’ll struggle to understand you. (Ask for a sausage roll up north and you’ll get a sausages sandwich. Ask for it down south and you’ll get a sausage wrapped in pastry)

    I used to live in County Cumbria on the boarder between England and Scotland, and two words from there that I love are ratch and twine.

    Ratch or ratching means look or search. So you might ratch around in your handbag for your keys. And if you’re a child and you see someone take something out of a bin (trash can) you have to point and shout ‘bin ratcher’ it’s almost a legal requirement of being Cumbrian.

    Twine is to cry or complain, so you might tell someone to stop twining, or don’t twine at me.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What about..
    Fair Dinkum – honestly?
    Budgie Smugglers – speedo bather bottoms
    Bludger – lazy person
    Cobber – a friend

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Out here in I-da-hoe:
    Whistle pig = prairie dog/ground squirrel
    Crick – creek (which is also how my Kansas-born father said it)
    Rig = pretty much any vehicle (not just trucks)
    Coyote is pronounced without the “e” at the end
    It’s cattle, not cows, and
    “Have a nice day” usually means “Stick it up your ass.”

    Years ago on a road trip in Florida my boyfriend and I saw one of those business signs where you can change the message easily, black letters on white background. It was an auto repair shop. It advertised “shock basorbers” – the first two letters of “absorbers” transposed. We decided “basorbers” was the perfect word for breasts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You’ll notice a few faintly familiar cognomens in this list, but any resemblance to actual objects living or dead is strictly inescapable:

    chucklehead – a stupid person
    clodhopper – an unsophisticated person, especially a farmer
    donk – whiskey, especially raw, home-made corn whiskey
    five-ouncer – a blow with the fist
    geezer – an old man; also, a drink of strong liquor
    mistermuse – a brilliant but humble (and sober) geezer
    rivergirl – a lover of rocks, food, and booze – especially donk or strong geezer on the rocks with food
    scram-bag – a suitcase pack in readiness for a necessary sudden departure
    snollygoster – a politician who relies on talk rather than knowledge or ability; a politician who speaks much and does little

    Does that last one sound like any President we know?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Most of those Texas words fit here, too.
    We are a region where many people warsh and arn clothes. In their back 40s, where they might have old hoopties gone to Jesus. Of course, some of us engage in faux speak for the benefits of the language of power when speaking to other city folk, but we ain’t too far from the hills. Depends on who you talk to.

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