Tag Archives: bmw

Beemer me up…


The used car shopping continues. Miles upon miles of traveling only to be disappointed by condition or mechanical problems.

Funny part of this saga? We met up with a friend of ours on the journey who happens to sell cars on the side. When the husband told him what we were doing he gave me a strange look and said, “No offense, but I know money isn’t the issue. Why don’t you just buy new?”

To which I rolled my eyes, pointed, and said “Ask him”.

That launched my husband into his usual diatribe about how new cars are an over inflated rip off that depreciate as soon as you drive them off the lot. Then he got started on the car salesman two step. You know the dance… spend half an hour dickering on price only to be told to have a seat while he talks with his manager. Husband hates the whole process.

Because really, used car salesmen are so much better.


Our last stop of the day was a dealership almost 2 hours from home.

I immediately spotted the car I wanted him to buy.



Don’t recognize the logo?




Just a snazzy little runabout in which to do the weekly grocery shopping. Did it cost more than our first house? Sure. But money’s not an issue remember.



Someone came in right behind us and put a down payment on this thing. To which I thought… what a giant waste of hard earned dollars… but hey, whatever floats your boat.



This was the vehicle we came to see and might seriously be a contender.

To be continued…


And so it begins….


Yes, after owning his current BMW sedan for barely 2 years my husband has decided he wants a new vehicle.

And by new… I mean my husband’s version of new which is usually 20 years old. He’s rough on vehicles and puts a lot of miles on them quickly so while I buy new, he doesn’t. Which is why he always wants a different one every few years. He plum wears them out.

His current car is a 2006 and since he’s on a BMW kick, the next one has to be as well. Tired of him constantly buying and selling I persuaded him to go a little newer this time. Ya know… preferably in the last decade. It was a struggle but I convinced him to draw the line at 2014. Nothing older.

I also leaned heavily on the idea of an SUV. River’s bad knee has had enough of climbing out of low slung rides.



We found this blue one..



And took her for a spin.

But the porridge was too hot.



We found this brown one and took her for a spin.

But the porridge was too cold.

We drove for 7 hours that day randomly hitting car dealers and private sellers. The result? Those two.

Apparently the BMW X3’s are a rare breed in our part of the world.

The search continues…


Well, that’s a new one.


As you know…. my husband has a habit of coming home from the dump with more than he went with.

But this week?

I think he even surprised himself.

We’d been working on the baby barn and the truck was full of rotted wood.




Our local recycling center won’t take it because it was painted, which means a 40 minute trip to a solid waste disposal site. He came back with an empty truck….

And this:





A 2005 BMW.

Did we need another one? No.




And come on, you know owning two BMW’s is twice as obnoxious as owning one.

Why did he buy another one?

Because it was clean…




Had low mileage for it’s age…

And the little old lady that owned it treated it like a child.



I really have to stop letting him go to the dump alone.


*Disclaimer – technically he didn’t get this at the dump, just found it at a house along the way.  Hell, if he’d found it for free at the dump… I wouldn’t be complaining.*