Tag Archives: school plays

Sunshine Blogger Award




With thanks to  Nowhere Tribune  for the nomination.

He thinks my posts are fun…

So there!




Thank the Blogger that nominated you.

Answer the questions.

Nominate new blogs to receive the award and in this case, ask them to list 5 to 10 random facts about themselves.

List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or blog.

Notify the nominees about it by commenting on their blog post.


Since my normal blogs are already filled with completely useless, random tidbits of my life this might be a challenge…. but I’ll give it a whirl.


1.   I can’t tolerate nuts in any form. Don’t hide them in my salad or ruin my ice cream with those nasty little things. And if you come near me eating peanut butter? I will don my gas mask and cover you in Febreze … blech!



2.    If I step in or on a boat…. and it moves? That boat is too small. I may live in Maine, surrounded by water, but I’ve been dumped in the ocean  (lake, river, etc.)  by too many canoes and punts in the past to venture out on anything tiny ever again.  Uh uh. In my 50’s? It’s all about holding on to my margarita while boating. Kayaks need not apply.



3.   In my teens, I snuck into a night club through a rest room window. No one was in the stall at the time… and thankfully, it was the ladies room. But I landed head first on the toilet and that’s never good.



4.  I have the feet of a 90 year old woman. People say I don’t look like my mother, but I sure as hell inherited her deformed feet. Bunions, the beginning of hammer toes…. I’m prematurely geriatric from the ankles down and a podiatrist’s wet dream.





5.   As I child I never got to act in the class plays. While my friends were Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz? Or Betsy Ross on Independence Day? I was the narrator because I was always the only kid who could read quickly and correctly without missing a beat. Not nearly as much fun, but at least I didn’t have to memorize anything….




Okay, he wins.

Grass is worse than narrator any ole day.

So there you have it, 5 randomly ridiculous things you might not have known about me.

Huzzah! Your life is complete.




Of course having to nominate only 5 people off the long list of fabulous blogs I follow is the worst part…

I love you all equally. But rules are rules.

My 5 –

Angel Who Swears  because she is snark incarnate and I admire that in a person.

Wayward Sparkles  because she always makes me laugh, and sometimes snort.

The Rebel Fish  because I haven’t been able to figure out how Tim’s mind works yet, but I’m sure there’s an aardvark scrambling around in there somewhere.

Actual Conversations With My Husband  because she’s a little bent, and eavesdropping on their conversations is an absolute hoot.

Go Jules Go  because sharing the crazy journey she calls life is a rollicking good ride.


So if you want to play along, tell us 5 things we don’t already know about you.

And if you could care less?

I get it. Feel free to ignore me…

It won’t be the first time.