Random nonsense


Have you seen the new yellow watermelons at the grocery store?



I had to try one… and to be honest I wasn’t that impressed. The texture was a little strange and I don’t think it was nearly as sweet as the red.



No wonder it always looks like dolphins are having fun. They’re high.



I’ve had this houseplant on a window shelf for years. I can’t remember the name, but it’s always been a small steady presence…until this month when it decided to grow long tentacles and turn into an alien. If I disappear from WordPress suddenly? You’ll know why.



Don’t think raccoons are accomplished acrobats? I beg to differ.



We’re dry in Maine. Unusually dry for this time of year. As in parts of our lawn are crunching and half the state is in drought conditions. Me? I’m still dragging 300 feet of hose out to the back 40 to keep our new trees alive. It seems we just can’t win when it comes to picking a time to plant.



Whaaat! Not my ice cream.



Whew. Only Floridian ice cream.

Sorry Florida..


25 thoughts on “Random nonsense”

  1. Brilliant! I have a few books like that. I may well have to tear out (Read “rip off”) a page from your book and offer some of that wisdom and idiocy. Rivergirl: Making the blogosphere a more interesting place practically every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha! I knew there was some reason that dolphins looked like they were always having a good time. They are high on pufferfish!
    No, not only in Florida, back in 2015 Blue Bell, a Texas tradition (I don’t buy Blue Bell because I prefer Blue Bunny) creameries had an outbreak of listeria making people sick in four states and killing three people. This asshat ice cream maker refused to recall the ice cream even after it KNEW it was contaminated! Another reason I don’t buy it.
    Your yard looks stunning, it’s green in spite of your drought. We are getting rain here and my lawn is still crunching underneath my feet…..🙄.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. But really if it tastes good, should my sensitivity affect the overall wellness and holisticness of this…hmmm…something to ponder in my down time. Thanks for making me aware of the issues.


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