Repairing a boo boo.


There’s always something that needs to be repaired at Casa River, and sometimes that something is the Barn Mahal porch.



For some reason ( read – crazy Maine weather, massive frost heaves and lack of gutters ) one section of the porch lifted over the years with the result being smashed and then rotted wood under the corner post.

A cousin was called to assist… as there was heavy lifting required and yours truly sucks at that.



I also suck at not exclaiming WTF! when I go outside to check on the repair progress.



I doubt that set up was OSHA approved… but it did the job and supported the roof while the post was removed.



Rotted wood.



Please note I am not standing on the porch to take pictures.



Rotted wood replaced….



Corner post cut and reseated.



With a hammer, because fine tuning was required.



And yes, it’s a bit crooked now.



But my bat was rehung and the roof is still over our heads… so I’m calling it good.


17 thoughts on “Repairing a boo boo.”

  1. Alrighty…no way I can let this go without a little critique since I can do carpentry work like Bob Villa – That separation between old wood and new wood in the plank needs to be addressed. It will cause swelling and warping quickly. Should have replaced the entire plank. Absent that error, he might want to get a couple of gallons of Thompson Water seal and spread it on the deck and the poles. It will not hurt the charm of the aging wood, but will strengthen it’s resolve vs your shitty weather.

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