Tag Archives: baked potato

News you can’t use.


Because I like to keep my friends informed.



I beg to differ. Smelling like baby poop is a perfectly good reason to hate just about anything.



Oh goodie. The spiders are not only on the march… they’re parachuting in!



I have too many hot flashes to wear sweatpants these days…

So how about it teleworking bloggers? Any new super powers I should know about?



An entire article was written on this subject, but I’ll try to break it down for you with a slightly less verbose version.

Wash potato.

Pierce potato.

Bake potato.

Now where’s my Pulitzer?


Someone thought these were a good idea…


Do I love a good baked potato? Of course… please pass the butter. But do I need someone’s face on my tater?



I definitely do not.



Best gift ever? Clearly some people don’t know how to shop.






Let’s wrap our minds around the idea of someone actually applying for a patent for water soluble panties in a can.




They’re right. I love cats… but I do not love that. Not even close.
