Tag Archives: furniture

His Lordship approves.


It’s taken a few days of sniffing and tentative exploring but I think Lord Dudley Mountcatten has finally accepted the new furniture.



Cats are not fond of change, much like my husband… which is why our new furniture looks a lot like our old…. but I think they’re both coming around.



He doesn’t look stressed here.



And before long he was assuming his favorite position with his favorite person.



Please note that’s not me.



The last picture?

Proof positive he’s accepted the new ottoman.



Out with the old…


One last cuddle on the old chair.



One last before picture…



After that, our farming neighbor and his field hands carried the old furniture out the door and over to his house.



It’s funny because we gave him the living room set we had before this one as well.



It was a tight fit…

And made my husband wish our back door was just a little wider.



One large scratch on the paint later…



Empty echoing space.


Things I’m not buying anytime soon.


I love our cat, but…



He doesn’t need a 4 foot wicker giraffe.



Stress free?

The beast sleeps 23 hours a day, how stressed can he possibly be.



I don’t know about you, but I’ve never harbored the least bit of desire to sleep in a dog bed. Giant or otherwise.



While this might be comfortable once I plopped, I fear my bad knee would be screaming trying to get out.



Just… no.


Their furniture budget is clearly higher than mine.


I’m all about buying quality furniture. The dining room set we’re replacing served us well for almost 40 years and I’m hoping this new set will outlive us. It was pricey, but sometimes you get what you pay for. Of course cost is relative. $11,000 is a good chunk of change to us but clearly a pittance to others.



Yes, you read that correctly.

$80,000 for a mattress.



Horse hair?

For 80 grand it should be stuffed with cashmere.



Granted, if you levitate like that every night it may be worth it.



The bed gets free massages.

The rich truly are a different species…


Oh, the things you find….


Since work will be starting in the living/dining room and we have a new dining room set on order… it was time to clean out the old china hutch and get rid of the old table and chairs.



Our contractor wanted the chairs, so out they went.



The table, which was so horribly faded I thought no one would want it…. went to the farm across the street. With a brand new tablecloth to cover the discoloration.



That left cleaning out the hutch which hadn’t been done in at least a decade.



Lord Dudley wanted to help…. but didn’t.

Aside from dozens of candles, placemats, dishes, cups, saucers, platters, chargers, crystal decanters, napkin rings, extra cutlery, knives, holiday tablecloths and a soup tureen …. I discovered the family silver.



Which all needed to be needed polished.



And of course…. because this my china hutch?



There was alcohol.





Does anyone want a china cabinet?



Miscellaneous missives.


Furniture shopping continues and my snarky friends are still being helpful. Their latest suggestion?



Well, it is green.



The dark eyed Junco is a small bird of the sparrow family that we never see until the snow flies. They’re always the first to appear after a storm and we’re not the only ones looking….



Lord Dudley Mountcatten keeps a close eye as well.



Well, that’s rude.



Trim work has started on the bedroom windows which means the man cave has once again been taken over….



And reeks of wood stain and polyurethane.



It’s odd how sometimes you read a passage in a book and it just gets you. This choked me up the other day. I hope it’s true….



Sign seen at a local restaurant.



This might be more difficult than choosing the furniture.


I thought finding a set of living room furniture my husband liked was hard, but we did it.



I thought finding a decent patterned fabric for the chair, ottoman and pillows was hard, but we’ve (tentatively) done that.



But now?



The part I thought would be easy is turning out to be anything but.



We need a solid fabric for the couches and nothing is working.



Neither of us wants that much blue so we’re leaning towards neutrals.



There’s not much color in the pattern and it’s been difficult choosing a coordinating shade.



Too light.

Too dark.

Too turd like.

The new floor will look like this…



So I have to consider that as well.



Too light for the white walls.



Too cool a shade for the floor and warm trim.

The search continues….


Is it wrong that I’m enjoying his discomfort this much?


He didn’t believe me when I told him how hard it’s been to find fabric for the furniture he chose so I’m continuing to show him firsthand.

Seeing is believing after all.

In my search I’ve discovered that even though different stores sell the same brand, they’ll often have different fabric available and I’ve made it my mission to check them all.



Hence our trip to Waterville to a small but 5th generation family run store.



Their showroom is a two story barn from the 1800’s.



And while they didn’t have the particular style set we wanted, they can order it…. at what turns out to be $600 less than their larger competitors. Free delivery included. I’m all about supporting small local businesses so this is where we’ll purchase it.

If we can ever decide on a fabric.



Green is still nonexistent. And even the blues that I didn’t really want are muted. But I pulled and pulled hopeful something would catch my eye.



This photo perfectly portrays how thrilled my husband was to be on the journey.




I’d tentatively narrowed it down to these two with the husband bored out of his mind behind me.




He discovered a huge computer loaded with the company’s app.

With it you pick your style…



And punch in the fabric number for a peek at what it will look upholstered. He had fun with this for quite a while, laughing at how horrible some of the patterns were. But when I gave him the number for the fabric I was considering?



I stopped laughing because he said the cushion had two eyes staring at him.



Jesus wept.

Will nothing please this troublesome spouse!



More furniture shopping, more frustration.


Since I’m not on board with any of the hideous fabrics associated with the living room set my husband chose, shopping continues.

I stepped it up a notch last week and took him to an Ethan Allen showroom. And aside from the fact it was the smallest store we’d been to, they only had one hard backed sofa.



Which was too low, too square and too soft for my Goldilocks spouse.



Factor in most of their couches were over $5,000 a piece, even the simple ones like this, and it was a hard pass.

Next up was the store where I started my search with my girlfriend a few months ago. They had two sets I thought might work.



But Mr, Picky vetoed this one because of the T shaped couch cushions.


At this point I thought he was just being obstinate on purpose and didn’t want new furniture. But when I brought him to set #2….



Hard backed, rolled full arms, not too deep, available with firm cushions.

Could it be?



A long discussion was had with the (very patient) salesman about features and quality…



These arms were an eighth of an inch different in size… noticeable to no one on earth except my husband who worked quality control in the Marine Corps.

But despite the glaring anomaly, the husband agreed that this set might work. They even had the pattern he’d picked out at a previous store, seen on the back of the chair above.

I vetoed that as it was probably too light for our white walls and rather liked this one.



When I asked if I could bring a few swatches home, I was told yes… for a price. For a deposit of $50 each I came home with 5. The $263 to be refunded to my card when I returned them.




Lord Dudley seemed partial to this one.



But as I suspected…. it’s too light and bright for our all white walls not to mention my husband’s feet on an ottoman.



I need more contrast of color and though I really didn’t want blue….



This one might work.



I think we have a winner.


Living room furniture shopping with my husband continued, even though it ceased being fun a while back. Nothing pleased the man and I was doubting we would ever find a set that checked all his boxes. Until we walked into… of all places… Lazy Boy.

I despise recliners and that store wasn’t even on my radar, but damned if it wasn’t where he finally found a couch he liked.



Rolled pillowless back, good length, solid arms.



It looks almost identical to the set we have now… which I didn’t really want, but he’s worn me down with his fussiness and I’m ready to cry uncle.



Miracle of all miracles you can pay a few hundred dollars more per piece and get the firmest damn cushions on the face of the planet (think park bench comfort) which is his number one issue.



They’re actually temperpedic, like the mattresses… and that sealed the deal for my spouse.



He’s not smiling, but trust me…. Goldilocks was pleased.

Up next? Fabric.

