Tag Archives: organizing

My name is River.. and I’m a soap addict.


After cleaning and organizing our master bath closet the other day, I turned my attention to the the spare bathroom. I don’t know about you, but in our house that’s where everything we don’t know what else to do with lands. I pulled vases, and candle sticks, and pitchers, a footed glass bowl and yes, even a crock pot out of there.

What that left me with was this…



And by this I mean 10 bottles of Mrs. Meyers soap.



Yes 10.

As well as 11 more bars of soap… to go with the 15 I’d found the other day.


I haven’t yet decided if we’re extremely clean or extremely dirty. But if it’s the latter?

God damn it, we’re ready.



A bonus find was 3 bottles of Jo Malone perfume.

Proof positive it pays to clean.


Random nonsense.


Because there’s so much of it.



12 feet of kale?

I’m going to have nightmares about that.



After cleaning and organizing the closet in our master bath, I figure it will be a while before I need to buy certain products. 4 bottles of toothpaste, 6 bottles of Bath and Body Works lotion, 7 sticks of deodorants and 15 bars of soap of later I realized I may need to organize more often.



Best. Display. Container. Ever.

Or worst. It’s a tough call.



Even bees need bouncers.

Who knew?


Forgetful… or preparing?


So it took a solid week but the husband finally finished cleaning up the den and put everything back in his closet.



Well, almost everything.



I’m hoping he just forgot to put those away.



But the way things are going in this country? I could be wrong.


* Disclaimer- the husband isn’t a paranoid prepper and this is probably the only ammunition he has. But since he does have a giant live round in the barn window, I thought the placement was comical *

Who is this man and what have you done with my husband?


It’s beginning to feel like Invasion of the Body Snatchers up at Casa River.

There’s a pod here somewhere…. I know it.



It’s the only possible explanation for why you can currently see the floor… and walls!…. of our garage.



The look alike alien husband removed the rattle trap archaic blower which was here when we moved in.



He even *gasp* hung things up. Look, little shelves with neatly coiled tie down straps! Be still my heart.

And then? Excuse me while I reach for my smelling salts… he took his prized 400 lb antique potato planter out of the big barn.



He loaded it on his truck.



And gave it to our town’s historical society!



(I think I may have passed out at this point.)

And just when I was sure my husband had been replaced by an otherworldly facsimile…



I found him back in the garage knee deep in this.

Delicate apparatus?



Well, not quite.



Box full of rusty old tools that haven’t worked since Christ was a Corporal?



There he is!

Welcome back honey. I missed you…

The rodent revolution can’t be far behind.


I didn’t pray for this miracle, but I’ll take it.

Day two of the husband cleaning out the garage.



Things were going well until he hit this corner…



And found mouse nesting material covering whatever the hell was stored there.



When he pulled off the filthy blanket?



Yes. Those are corn cobs.




Sweeping off the pounds of nasty mess revealed this:



Old, rusty and doesn’t work?

A keeper.

But the sweeping also revealed this:



A tiny, squeaking baby mouse.

And when there’s a tiny, squeaking baby mouse?



There’s a crazed mother mouse searching for it close behind.



We spent the next half hour reuniting the little bastards, but the damage was done.

Their home had been destroyed…. like the chipmunks in the baby barn and the red squirrels in the house eaves.

Three rodent families displaced in the course of a summer.

I fear for our safety this winter.



It’s a miracle… albeit a small one.


By now I think you’re all familiar with the giant barn we built a few years ago.


IMG_0158 (Edited)


The husband had visions of a man cave complete with bar, pool table and plenty of space to display his  totally useless crap  treasures.

What he got was a little different.




This is what happens when you’re a hoarder in training. You have a more than ample 2 story space and you fill it with random  rubbish, recycled debris  stuff.

So the other day when the husband asked me if I would help him clear some of it out?



I admit I was a trifle excited.




The future yard sale pile grew larger.

But don’t faint…. it’s mostly my things, with some items a friend left in his basement for the husband when he moved to Oklahoma. Yes, that’s the $800 scooter we bought on Craig’s List for the husband’s brother who said he wanted it but didn’t like it and never used it. My eyes did some serious rolling that day let me tell you.




There was a lot of heavy lifting involved as none of the husband’s  rusty crap  treasures are light.

What… you don’t have an adjustable height potato planter that weighs as much as a medium sized water buffalo?

Why ever not.





Of course he wanted most of these items upstairs.




See that?

It’s a hay bale fork with a pulley system for the hay bales we’ll never have or be required to move. And guess what? When you drop it on your toe while climbing the stairs….

You curse it.

Quite colorfully as it turns out.




As we spent the next few hours moving and sweeping and organizing…  ( okay, that was me and it was pretty fruitless because the husband refused to put anything in the trash pile, even this collection of tires that don’t fit any vehicle we own )  I realized my miracle clean out was really just a ‘move things around so you can see the floor again’ type of miracle. But hey, I’ll take what I can get.

Before  –




After –






Part of it anyway.




I wish I could make him understand how wonderful a space this could be if he would just part with all the junk. And I don’t mean everything….. mixed in with all the why the hell did you buy that! stuff are some legitimately interesting things.




This old butter table is sweet.




And I do love the old apple press.

Otis the Opsrey is waiting patiently to be installed on the roof as well.




Though that baby is all mine and cost me a pretty penny.

But the ridiculous things he picks up and brings home because they’re free?




They’ve got to go.