Because I’m that kind of wife.


My husband recently had a birthday.





I’m that kind of wife as well, but I digress.

Along with some very nice, serious gifts…

I ordered him something from Amazon.




The box it came in was rather disappointing.

But nothing could dampen the sheer joy I felt at giving him….

A rock.





Yes, Cindy.

I did.

I bought him a rock…




A rock!

Or rather, a solid metal rock replica.




Because after our recent vacation in Arizona, and all the amazing rocks we saw out there… ( did I tell you about that? I seem to remember some subtle mentioning of rocks) …. I had to present my beloved with his very own rock (replica).

And may I just say?

Bravo Amazon.





I don’t know what kind of algorithm you’re running, but as I was searching the mystery/thriller book section?

You recommended a rock.

Talk about knowing your audience.




And so am I.

I never knew Jeff Bezos had time to read my blog.





30 thoughts on “Because I’m that kind of wife.”

  1. 🙂 Clever and witty! A cornerstone, a sure foundation, a rock upon which you can build your blog!

    Aww, come on! Don’t stone me. You know those words just rocked your world! And Fred Flintstone would be proud to give the same gift to Wilma!! 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  2. So wait… it’s a copycat rock? Why couldn’t they send the real thing? Are rocks on the no-fly list? How many other people have metal clones of your rock? Shouldn’t they have at least put a unicorn horn on it to make it unique?

    Liked by 2 people

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