Tag Archives: relationships

Let’s play.


You’ll like this one.

You get to tell me what to do…



Advice. Everyone seems to have it, but no one seems to want it.

My late father always used to tell me not to take any wooden nickels, which seems ridiculous these days… but I suppose you could substitute ‘cryptocurrency’ for ‘nickel’ and call it good.

While I make a habit of never offering unsolicited advice, being happily married for 38 years people often ask for our secret and want advice on staying together.

Love, respect, and understanding. All important, but I usually default back to compromise and choosing carefully. Chemical attraction and lust fade, trust me on this. If you don’t have anything deeper to hold you together you won’t be searching for the traditional 40th anniversary gift. ( Ruby! Let’s hear it for hanging in there.)

I constantly hear people say you have to have things in common with your spouse to cement a relationship, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth for us… we’re very different people. But we find common ground in the type of life we want to lead and where we want to live it. That trumps his preference for television over my love of reading any day, even if it means a John Wayne marathon now and then.

My husband and I met and were married 6 days later. Guess I chose correctly. ❣️

Your turn. Give me some advice…




#2 in the series of ‘I’m definitely not young and single anymore’. Otherwise known as Cosmopolitan magazine highlights.

Or lowlights, you decide.


You’ve been warned.



First up, a strawberry vagina.




Yeah, I must be doing something wrong. And because there are probably other women like me?




Am I surprised they are named Honey Pot and Fur?

At this point, I am not.



This explains a lot about the current generation. I enjoyed moving out of my parents house, but maybe that was just me.



What brownie abomination is this?

No. Just…. no.



Wow. And I thought breaking up via text was bad….

Finally there was this:



Strategically placed mirror aside…. FaceTiming your gynecologist? I’m beginning to relish the fact I’m not in my twenties anymore.

P.S. … don’t be surprised when that cat starts having nightmares.


Here we go again.


We love our large back yard.




Specifically because there’s nothing to see except grass and the occasional 4 legged visitor.

It’s quiet, peaceful and far away from other houses.



Remember a while back when I complained about the neighbor behind us who parked his motor home right next to our property line instead of on any of his other 10 acres?


Well, the other day as I was reading on the couch, I heard banging.

Do you see it?




How about now?



The neighbor’s house isn’t visible from our place, and they have a good 12 acres worth of property, if not more. Some is cleared, some wooded… and it goes right down to the water.

So what did they do?



They started construction of a tree house…… right next to our property line.

Grass? Ours. Brush? Theirs.

Maybe 6 feet between the end of our grass and their tree house frame.

12 acres plus… more than 522,720 square feet! But they had to pick the only spot on our common border that’s open to viewing from our side.

I’d like to bitch… but we love these neighbors, and have always had a good relationship.  The owner lost her husband to Parkinsons a few years ago and it broke all our hearts. The home is large and was too much for her to handle alone so her daughter and family  moved in to help. Two granddaughters and two step grandsons are now also in residence, hence the tree house.

Which technically it isn’t, since it’s merely tree adjacent.




I don’t mean to sound anti children, but damn. We’re on the other side of the life spectrum and relish our peace and quiet.

But there it is, looming over our backyard.




Did I mention it’s strategically placed on the only break of the tree line?

12 plus acres…. and they had to put it there!


I’m in love…. with a moth.


I know, it’s a little odd.

But if he was visiting your flowers? You’d love him too.




Meet Herman.




My hummingbird moth.




He’s been visiting everyday and I’m smitten.




Herman is special, and not often seen in these parts.






I know our love is doomed.

Interspecies relationships rarely work out….




But for now, I’ll enjoy every moment we share.






Because I’m that kind of wife.


My husband recently had a birthday.





I’m that kind of wife as well, but I digress.

Along with some very nice, serious gifts…

I ordered him something from Amazon.




The box it came in was rather disappointing.

But nothing could dampen the sheer joy I felt at giving him….

A rock.





Yes, Cindy.

I did.

I bought him a rock…




A rock!

Or rather, a solid metal rock replica.




Because after our recent vacation in Arizona, and all the amazing rocks we saw out there… ( did I tell you about that? I seem to remember some subtle mentioning of rocks) …. I had to present my beloved with his very own rock (replica).

And may I just say?

Bravo Amazon.





I don’t know what kind of algorithm you’re running, but as I was searching the mystery/thriller book section?

You recommended a rock.

Talk about knowing your audience.




And so am I.

I never knew Jeff Bezos had time to read my blog.