Enough already.


I don’t give my cell phone number to anyone but friends because I refuse to have it flooded with spam. We still have a landline, so I give that number to businesses who require it.

But when my husband ordered the new composite decking for the porch from Lowes and they wanted a phone number? He gave them mine… and for that I will never forgive him.



He thought it was great my phone kept alerting with texts.



I did not.



Did I mention he gave them my iPhone email address too?



Three messages saying it was great to see us pick up our order.

Three… so far.

I hit stop. And unsubscribe.

I fear drones will be dropping fliers and airplanes will be circling overhead with banner scrolls shortly.


Let’s play.


Just in case you’re bored and have nothing better to do.



We have a closet next to our hutch.



And like the junk drawer in our kitchen, it’s my guilty secret. When I don’t know what to do something, or other proper storage areas are full?

I cram it in the closet of shame.



There are tools and Tupperware.

Batteries and basting sauce.

Flashlights and flour.

Mayonnaise and markers.

A crockpot and crazy glue.

There’s no rhyme or reason…wood stain is next to beef broth and egg noodles rest on a tube of epoxy.

Once a year I organize and rearrange, but it doesn’t last long. Chaos wins every time.

And if the shelves are nuts, the tiny floor isn’t much better.



It’s crammed with 50 lb bags of bird seed, fox food, deer grain and now duck pellets. Which, by the way… the ducks don’t like and won’t eat.

My name is River, and this is my closet of shame.

How about you?

What brings shame to your household….


Leave no beer unturned.


Boothbay Harbor is a lovely little town to explore.



And nestled down near the water we found a new purveyor of beer.



Footbridge brewing is small and quirky.



And they don’t take themselves too seriously..



It’s a laid back, rustic space.



And as with any new brewery we visit, we sampled a flight.



But as much as we wanted to, we can’t really recommend their product. Flat and tasteless, their beer needs a lot of tweaking.



Giant googly eyes aside.

Just as we were about to leave, a fellow Marine joined us at the bar and a 45 minute conversation ensued. Thankfully for me there was a small cocktail list.



And a poison apple kept me occupied.



I’d never had Reaper’s Revenge before but oh my. It’s a spicy cinnamon liqueur that made my tongue tingle happily while my husband endlessly chatted.

After our brewery visit we drove out to East Boothbay….



A gorgeous but little known area.



Lovely old homes…



And water views.

To be continued….


Mine Oyster


Mine Oyster is an oceanfront restaurant in Boothbay Harbor, Maine.



It’s large, two storied with multiple dining rooms, a raw bar and a dance floor. …



There are three outdoor seating areas. If you’ve been here before, you know to walk upstairs, take a right, and find the door behind the bar.



It’s rustic, but has the best views in the harbor.






Summer, on the coast of Maine.

It doesn’t get much better than this.



We hadn’t been to the Oyster for a while so we were thrilled to see the new, improved and much enlarged menu(s).



Blueberry mojito?



Don’t mind if I do.



Mine Oyster’s food used to be alright, but nothing rave worthy. Thankfully that’s changed.



Our appetizers of herb butter basted grilled scallops on saffron creamed corn with crispy prosciutto as well as the jerk shrimp with hot honey were… in a word… amazing.



Tequila sunrise? Why not.



Along with the stunning views…



Came my husband’s lobster with saffron cream and fresh basil over fettuccini. Ooh la la! Rich, decadent and divine.



For me? A right regular fry up done to perfection. Clams and jumbo shrimp with batter as light and crisp as the ocean air.



If you’re ever in the area… make a beeline here.



Because it’s a Harley.


Yes, the Harley is still for sale at too high a price.



People stop and look but we’ve had no serious offers.



I think my husband secretly wants to keep it and just enjoys talking about it to the people who stop.

This guy was very interested…



Until he tried to start it and the (new, damn it!) battery was dead.



Husband tried to jump it with a charger… but no dice.

Way to kill a sale Harley.

