Leave no beer unturned.


Boothbay Harbor is a lovely little town to explore.



And nestled down near the water we found a new purveyor of beer.



Footbridge brewing is small and quirky.



And they don’t take themselves too seriously..



It’s a laid back, rustic space.



And as with any new brewery we visit, we sampled a flight.



But as much as we wanted to, we can’t really recommend their product. Flat and tasteless, their beer needs a lot of tweaking.



Giant googly eyes aside.

Just as we were about to leave, a fellow Marine joined us at the bar and a 45 minute conversation ensued. Thankfully for me there was a small cocktail list.



And a poison apple kept me occupied.



I’d never had Reaper’s Revenge before but oh my. It’s a spicy cinnamon liqueur that made my tongue tingle happily while my husband endlessly chatted.

After our brewery visit we drove out to East Boothbay….



A gorgeous but little known area.



Lovely old homes…



And water views.

To be continued….


Mine Oyster


Mine Oyster is an oceanfront restaurant in Boothbay Harbor, Maine.



It’s large, two storied with multiple dining rooms, a raw bar and a dance floor. …



There are three outdoor seating areas. If you’ve been here before, you know to walk upstairs, take a right, and find the door behind the bar.



It’s rustic, but has the best views in the harbor.






Summer, on the coast of Maine.

It doesn’t get much better than this.



We hadn’t been to the Oyster for a while so we were thrilled to see the new, improved and much enlarged menu(s).



Blueberry mojito?



Don’t mind if I do.



Mine Oyster’s food used to be alright, but nothing rave worthy. Thankfully that’s changed.



Our appetizers of herb butter basted grilled scallops on saffron creamed corn with crispy prosciutto as well as the jerk shrimp with hot honey were… in a word… amazing.



Tequila sunrise? Why not.



Along with the stunning views…



Came my husband’s lobster with saffron cream and fresh basil over fettuccini. Ooh la la! Rich, decadent and divine.



For me? A right regular fry up done to perfection. Clams and jumbo shrimp with batter as light and crisp as the ocean air.



If you’re ever in the area… make a beeline here.



Because it’s a Harley.


Yes, the Harley is still for sale at too high a price.



People stop and look but we’ve had no serious offers.



I think my husband secretly wants to keep it and just enjoys talking about it to the people who stop.

This guy was very interested…



Until he tried to start it and the (new, damn it!) battery was dead.



Husband tried to jump it with a charger… but no dice.

Way to kill a sale Harley.



Taking the cat for a walk. Or rather, a roll.


We have almost 3 acres of carefully tended mown lawn. So naturally when I take Lord Dudley Mountcatten outside, he heads straight for the barren patch of dirt under our bird feeders.



Yes, the bird viewing is up close and personal there…



But the main reason is he likes to roll.



The birds eat there. As do the woodchucks, the raccoons, the ducks, the fox and the deer.



So many good stinky smells in which to cover himself.






News you can’t use.



of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; unavailing or futile

That describes my blog perfectly.



But he had much bigger teeth, that should count for something.



Clever is in the eye, or ear, nose and throat … of the beholder.




If it’s good enough for Stormy Daniels.



Poo plumes?



6 feet away and six feet high?

Only if I eat at Taco Bell.



I saw one of these ridiculous vehicles at the grocery store the other day and it was just as silly in person as you would expect.

No fingers though, so maybe it was the no frills model.


Because Boothbay Harbor is always a good idea…


On a beautiful summer day, I like to head for the coast.



And my coast of choice is usually Boothbay Harbor.



Traditionally it was a fishing village….



Now it’s tourist heaven.



But it’s still beautiful and I still love it.



The footbridge had a facelift, so we strolled across.



Boothbay is one of those places you just need to stand still…



And say ahh….




It’s quintessentially Maine.



And even with wind blown hair…



It makes me smile.


Work continues… slowly.


When my husband first started tearing down the old porch he hoped to save some of the original frame.



Some of the original wood came off easily, some required gentle coercion.



I’m not quite sure what went on here…



When my husband is working a project, I find it safer not to ask.



New framing meets old.



In jigsaw like pieces apparently.



Lord Dudley Mountcatten has been very curious where all the noise is coming from, so I took him out for a stroll to check the progress.



Naturally he found the old dryer vent hole and had to investigate.
