Tag Archives: red

When in doubt, wear red.


I just realized I haven’t posted a photo of the big barn since the staining and painting were completed.



Needless to say I’m very pleased.



The nice thing is, the husband was pleased as well.



I know this because I overheard him talking to the painter saying he wasn’t sure he would like a red barn and that he’d fought his wife over it… boy did he!… but in the end, even he had to admit it looked great.



Technically it’s not totally done, as the crew is going to box in the eaves on the overhang. But in Maine, you have to paint until the weather turns, so they’ll be back another day to finish that.



My porch furniture cushions also need to be recovered in a fabric that doesn’t clash.



But baby barn approves.

And we have a red and white barn!

