Tag Archives: happy

A purrfect day.


I wasn’t exaggerating the last week when I said I cried after giving the stray cat back to his owners. It was strange… I knew it was the right thing. I knew I had to do it. I knew he would be loved and well cared for. But when I was at the sink washing out the cat dishes? I kind of lost it.

I’m a huge animal lover and have had a houseful of pets all my life… up until two years ago when we lost our last cat (he was 26!) and the husband said no more pets because he wanted to retire and travel freely. I understood, and I didn’t argue… but I hated the feeling of an empty house. So when that little guy wandered in? He stole my heart immediately. I was complete.

For 6 whole days, then I was bereft.

And bless my husband’s heart, even though I know he didn’t want to… he broke down and suggested we go to a shelter and rescue a kitty.


I honestly didn’t know I could get dressed and out the door that fast…. but I broke my record and was waiting in the car before he could change his mind.



We drove north to PALS. ( Protection for Animal Life Society ) It’s a wonderful no kill cat shelter I’d heard about but never had occasion to visit.



It was amazing. Clean, well run, with an on staff vet and room after room of lucky kitties.



It was a veritable snuggly cat stacked warehouse.



We were interviewed and then led into the visiting room to meet the adoptable felines. Some were friendly and outgoing, some were shy and sad. We were told some were permanent residents due to health or behavioral issues.

I would have been happy to take any one of them home… but decided to let the husband choose.



After much deliberation, this stocky little grey and white fellow was chosen to be an official member of Casa River. ( first photo taken in moving vehicle hence the blur )

He was found wandering as a stray and was surrendered 3 weeks ago. He’s been neutered, wormed, vaccinated and been given a clean bill of health. They estimate his age at 4 years.

He’s very sweet and enjoys being petted…



When you can find him.

For now he’s skittish and needs to learn to trust us. Lord knows what the poor little guy has been through…but he’ll be happy here.

I’ll make sure of it.



Chairs are a beautiful thing.


And we’re so in love with ours right now I fear they’ll be occupying blog space for a while.



Do you know how nice it is to actually be able to sit at our bar?



Trust me, after weeks of standing? It’s seriously nice.



And yes, I admit a fair amount of alcoholic beverages have been consumed in the short time we’ve owned them.



Note to self – clear off magnetic bottle opener before guests arrive.






When in doubt, wear red.


I just realized I haven’t posted a photo of the big barn since the staining and painting were completed.



Needless to say I’m very pleased.



The nice thing is, the husband was pleased as well.



I know this because I overheard him talking to the painter saying he wasn’t sure he would like a red barn and that he’d fought his wife over it… boy did he!… but in the end, even he had to admit it looked great.



Technically it’s not totally done, as the crew is going to box in the eaves on the overhang. But in Maine, you have to paint until the weather turns, so they’ll be back another day to finish that.



My porch furniture cushions also need to be recovered in a fabric that doesn’t clash.



But baby barn approves.

And we have a red and white barn!



I’m seeing red.


No, the husband hasn’t bought the contents of that abandoned Victorian up the road….

I mean this kind of red.




Our first glimpse of what poppa barn will look like when finished.



The trim will be added after.



And there’s a lot of it to add.



But I’m excited to see him finally sporting some color.



I think baby barn agrees.

The Lord of Misrule and some happy Christians.


Toward the end of our tour of the Jamestown re-creation settlement, we were startled by a loud noise.



It was the Lord of Misrule and his motley crew.




Things I don’t like today.


A switch from my regular happy to be alive posts.






I don’t like….

Being bitten on the hand by a horse fly while mowing the lawn and having it swell up to 5 times it’s normal size.




Hot, stiff and throbbing.

And not in a good way.



I don’t like….

Being bitten on the ankle by a horse fly the next day and having it swell up to epic proportions as well.





Did one of you clowns stick a Bite Me sign on my back…





I don’t like….

Being late to lunch with friends because I lost the husband to yet another junk filled yard sale he just couldn’t drive by.




He came back with a bag… and I didn’t even want to know what was in it.




I don’t like….

The fact that the husband owns a chain saw.




This birch tree had one bad section… one.

So bye bye entire tree.



Nothing is safe. Except the two dead flowering plum trees I’ve been after him to cut for years. Those?

He leaves alone.

I don’t like….





Going out to check on the baby catbird nest and finding momma’s feathers on the ground…




And an empty nest knocked loose from the bush.

Poor little things.

I don’t like….

Things that come in threes. First our  too new to die damn it  refrigerator, then my car’s air conditioner, and now the husband’s truck’s air conditioner. There’s a conspiracy afoot to make me sweat.



I really, really don’t like that!