Tag Archives: justin bieber

Another baby barn update.




Next step in the baby barn remodel was the removal of the addition the previous homeowner added.




This was easier said than done….




And at times required multiple beatings with a crowbar.




Slowly but surely it came down.




And the temporary walls and roof were removed.




Which is when we noticed a wee bit of sag.




A little lifting…




A little of me saying WTH?






A whole lot of digging….




And propping up later, it was level.




On that side…. which usually throws all the other sides off.

I swear this entire project has been so much work than it needed to be. We could have torn it all down and rebuilt an entire new one in half the time it’s taken us to get this far. Which I believe was my original idea.

Cold weather is fast approaching, and we’re no where near done.



News flash – yours truly will not be out there working in sub zero temps.






Let’s Liebster….


I’d like to thank the Academy….




The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

The award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea in promoting your own blog and others. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers but this has slowly lowed as the reward has gained popularity. It is now only 200 readers or less. It’s really an arbitrary number. If you like helping other blogs out go ahead and do it regardless of its size.


With thanks to Rebecca Wallick at  wildsensibility for the nomination….. ( I’m not sure sweetest and endearing are the first words people think of when my blog comes to mind, but hey. I’ll take praise where and when I can. )

If you love dogs, natural splendor and stunning scenic photographs, check out Rebecca’s page. She’s got them all in spades.


You know the rules… I have to answer questions. Which I shall do with the utmost amount of seriousness.


1. What typically is the closest object on your right when you’re writing (not including a computer mouse)?  

You’ll probably be sorry you asked that…  but it’s a poop drone.




And yes, of course it flies.




2. What one-sentence bit of advice would you give to your 13-year-old self?

At 13… I was a shy little thing. Reticent to open my mouth or make my presence known. (Hard to believe, I know) So I would probably tell her…. Dance! Jump off that pier! Sing with the band! Say yes to all the adventures life lays before you and don’t worry so much about what other people think. By the time you’re sitting here blogging about it? It will be too late.




3. Describe your ideal writing space and place (assuming money isn’t an issue).

For me… that would be a treehouse.

A glam treehouse, with a frozen margarita machine and a never ending supply of tequila and limes. Surrounded by nature and the songs of birds, that’s where I’d like to be.




4. What is your most frequent photographic subject?

That changes depending on the season.. and my moods. Lately?

It’s a woodchuck who looks like Jabba the Hut.




5. Favorite quote?

“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”

With….  “I like to have a martini, Two at the very most. After three I’m under the table, after four I’m under my host.”  coming in a close second.

Ole Dorothy Parker knew her stuff.







6. What does blogging (writing, and reading) add to your life?

A sense of connection.  It’s like reaching my hand out across the globe and touching people I would never have otherwise met. (And by touching, I’m speaking metaphorically. Don’t call the vice squad.)

7. If you could choose to be any animal for a 24-hour period, which would you be and why?

A wombat.

And I have no idea why.




8. Do you have other creative outlets besides writing?

I used to draw. I used to write poetry. I used to make dried flower wreaths. I used to cross stitch. I used to stamp. I used to paint. I used to dry brush ceramics. I used to do a lot of things. Now… I just take crazy pictures and blog.

And drink.

I drink very creatively.




Amen, Tyrion. Amen.

Okay, now I’m supposed to nominate blogs I think you should discover and make them answer questions as well.

Of course, if you know me… you know my questions won’t be normal. Where’s the fun in that?



liveandlethtai at Paul Dance Writer

Clever Girl at Clever Girl Writes

Kathy at KNJ Tales and Snippets

Traveling Drunk With History

Arionis at Just a Small Cog


You’re my chosen victims nominees.



Post these rules:

1. Acknowledge the blog which nominated you.
2. Answer the questions your nominator asked.
3. Nominate two to six other bloggers who might appreciate the boost.
4. Ask them several unique questions.
5. Let them know you have nominated them.


And answer these questions –


1.  You’re a pigeon newly arrived in Hollywood. Who do you poop on first?

2.  Donald Trump has been impeached. Mike Pence has been trampled to death at a gay pride parade. Nancy Pelosi has resigned her position and run off to Tahiti with a member of BTS. You’ve been chosen to be the next President of the United States. What’s your first executive order?

3.  The Brussels Sprout is a much maligned ( and extremely gassy ) cruciferous vegetable. You run a PR firm and have just been hired to tweak it’s image. Go!

4.  Your lifelong dream of being a stripper has come true. What’s your stage name?

5.  Your cruise ship is sinking and you’ve scrambled onto a life raft only to realize it’s overloaded. What… or who… do you push overboard?  A case of craft beer, your significant other, the oars, a beloved pet wombat, or the ship’s navigator ?

*Note – if you say beer or wombat, you are dead to me*


Yes, those really are the questions.

If you were expecting,  “Name the most influential person in your life” or  “What is your favorite memory of childhood”  you’re reading the wrong blog.

We do things differently here.



Yes, I realize you can’t unsee that.

But if you’re struggling for a stripper name… feel free to be inspired.