Tag Archives: WWII

Maine Military Museum part two.


There was so much to see and take in at this little museum.



The husband with two of his old work colleagues taking about some kind of gun. 62 years of Army, Navy and Marine Corps service represented right there.



The Nazi flag came from a soldier who liberated Auschwitz.




This flag flew during the Normandy invasion.



A wall of WWII Life magazines. It will not surprise you to learn my husband has them all.



There’s a story for this fellow with the strategically placed leaf…

Of all the uniforms that have been donated and are on display at the museum, a WWII era French officer’s is not among them. All they have so far is a hat, so this poor guy is doing what any self respecting Frenchman would do while he waits…. drink wine on a nude beach.



You have to wonder why S/Sgt. Towers kept these particular souvenirs from his war years. Good memories… or bad?



The transformation has begun.


The pool table was uncovered, brushed and racked.



A hat and coat rack was hung by the door.



And a few vintage WWII propaganda posters from 1943 I’ve been meaning to frame were framed and displayed.



It was during this time we decided the ugly bracing pole in the middle of the room… which was never supposed to be there but was deemed necessary when we noticed the top floor bounced when we walked on it during the original construction…. needed to be spruced up.



The (now lovely) wood walls and trimmed windows demanded it.

I expected to blog about the normal nightmare of measuring and cutting and cursing but things went remarkably well.



Maybe we’re finally getting the hang of it.

So…. the before.



And the after.



Please don’t ask why he put my porch barrels on the loveseat. I have no reasonable explanation for that.

Mariners’ Museum 5…. toys, a submarine, weapons, an Enigma and a 3D coral reef.


I realize this is the 5th post of our trip to the museum, but fear not…. it will also be the last.



Oh, stop being so dramatic and admit you learned something. Even if it was just how to use seashell toilet paper.

We’d spent all day roaming these halls and closing time was approaching before we were even a quarter of the way through.

So we literally trotted from exhibit to exhibit.




Vintage naval toys?








The hull of the Oracle that won the 33rd America’s Cup in 2010?




A ginormous check!




Submarine cutout?




Got it.




WWII memorabilia?




Yup. Tons…




They even had an Enigma!

How cool is that?




If you haven’t seen The Imitation Game about the life of Alan Turing, the man who broke the unbreakable code and then tragically took his own life… with an apple?

You should.




Teddy Roosevelt was there…




As was this precious little sword wielding cherub.




Because yeah…. what could go wrong with that?



There was too much to see…




And too little time.




Look… interesting, not to mention decorative, ways to kill people!




And I didn’t have a chance to read all the details.




And that.

What was that?

I don’t know!

Because the husband was bound and determined to watch the 3D movie about the coral reef before they closed. So we ran to the theater, put on our plastic glasses and found a good spot to watch and take pictures.




Until this woman moved seats and put her head in front of my lens.

Rude. Very rude.




The Great Barrier coral reef?





The Great Barrier coral reef in 3D after I moved away from the back of that woman’s head?








It looked like all these little things were reaching out for you….




And I swear the husband jumped a foot when he thought this fellow was right beside him.




Beautiful. No two ways about it.

So that was it.

We spent 8 full hours in the museum that day….




And were too tired to go out to eat.

Oh, stop screaming.

We got Chinese take out and went back to the condo.




The absolute worst Chinese takeout I think I’ve ever had… but there.

Still a food picture.

So very disappointing.


I love it when I go grocery shopping and find a product that seems to be tailor made for me.

Witness River’s cookie heaven:





That taste like cocktails!



I was a little disappointed to find there was a bag inside the bag and how very few cookies there actually were….




But I figured that just meant they were extra special.

I was wrong.

So very, very wrong.



In fact…  these cookies were not only horrible, but probably one of the worst things I’ve ever tasted in my life.  And I’ve endured my MIL’s pot roast, so that’s saying something.

I mean Hell… it’s a cookie. By nature they’re flippin’ delightful!

How do you screw that up?

As I was bundling them up to throw away, I flipped over the package and noticed this:





This company shipped 12,000 pounds of the most atrocious baked good ever invented to brave, battle weary soldiers.



I know!

Hadn’t those poor men suffered enough?

Of course it does explain the low quality cookie standard and my severe revulsion to their product.






Maybe that’s the explanation.

The cookies were actually leftover fruitcake from 1943.

