Tag Archives: war

Maine Military Museum part two.


There was so much to see and take in at this little museum.



The husband with two of his old work colleagues taking about some kind of gun. 62 years of Army, Navy and Marine Corps service represented right there.



The Nazi flag came from a soldier who liberated Auschwitz.




This flag flew during the Normandy invasion.



A wall of WWII Life magazines. It will not surprise you to learn my husband has them all.



There’s a story for this fellow with the strategically placed leaf…

Of all the uniforms that have been donated and are on display at the museum, a WWII era French officer’s is not among them. All they have so far is a hat, so this poor guy is doing what any self respecting Frenchman would do while he waits…. drink wine on a nude beach.



You have to wonder why S/Sgt. Towers kept these particular souvenirs from his war years. Good memories… or bad?



Grunt… part 3.


Did I mention I was surprised at the amount of space devoted to penile combat injuries in this book ?



It definitely wasn’t what I expected…



Though I admit I now know more about the subject than I probably need to.



Ditto that for Liquid Ass.



No, this book wasn’t at all what I expected and as I read on? It kept going downhill…



Forget nuclear weapons and terrorism, it’s the unruly digestive tract that will be the death of us.



When they said war is Hell? That’s what they meant…



Baby wipes? Sailors are such delicate creatures…



Grunt – the curious science of humans at war.


It’s that time again…



Yes, I’ve found another delightfully quirky book written by Mary Roach…. and you know I have to share some tidbits. This time it’s about war. Not the soldiers, not the battles, but rather the science behind the support of it. Weapons, uniforms, experimental tactics etc., and trust me it gets bizarre quickly.



Ah, homophobia. Keeping men guessing in foxholes for generations.



This definitely warrants further investigation.



You can’t argue with that logic.



Isn’t history grand?

And in case you think the book doesn’t include weird and wonderful graphics –



To be continued….


Did you know…..

The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896? Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.


I did, because….



Did you know…. Each year, Americans spend more on cat food than baby food?



Judging by the way Dudley devours his, I’m not at all surprised.


Well, since you asked….


The phrase ‘son of a gun’ derives from the days when women were allowed to live on naval ships. Their children were born behind a screen, often near the mid ship gun. If paternity was in doubt, the child was registered in the log as the “son of a gun’.


Did you know…. Salvador Dali once arrived at an art exhibition in a limousine filled with turnips?



Did you know…. Ostriches beat the heat by urinating on their legs? It evaporates like sweat.



Proof positive there’s a YouTube video for everything. Even though sometimes you wish there wasn’t.


The litter war.


It’s a little too early to call, but by God I think may have just won the war.



Thank you Exquisicat micro crystals. Maybe now the litter box graveyard in the basement can stop multiplying.



This miracle product came highly recommended by a friend as being dust free, light weight and soft on kitty’s paws.



Upon installation, Dudley gave it his usual glance of disdain.



But I read you can transition by topping the new crystals with the old clay, so I tried that.



He was still less than thrilled….



But has done his business for the past few days with no scattering, no flinging, no dust and no mess.



And from a human point of view, not having to chisel pee mortar from the bottom of the box is beyond victory… it’s positively orgasmic.


Dudley – 4. River – 0.


Remember the extra high sided cat box I ordered for Dudley to stop him from scattering litter on the floor?






I had two full days of no mess before he showed me exactly what he thought of that. So the battle continues…



And I’ve been assured this new product I ordered will solve the problem.



Well, that cat certainly looks happy.



And heck, if Dudley will start scooping his own poop? It’s money well spent.



Although the featured feline family is looking a tad too Stepford Wives for my peace of mind. Stay tuned….

* gulp *


I will win. Or die trying….


Lord Dudley Mountcatten and I are in the midst of a wee skirmish. And while his highness is completely spoiled rotten and indulged in most things here in Catlandia, there’s one place this human draws the line…. and that’s the litter box.

When Dudley moved in I dragged our old one up from the basement. It was a massively large box because our last cat was, well… massive.



I dutifully filled it with Tidy Cat and our (not so tidy) new cat promptly scratched and spun like a whirling dervish and scattered it everywhere. Deciding the box was too big for him, I bought a smaller one. When he tried it, he couldn’t spin around like a demonic top, but still scattered litter all over the floor. So I bought a litter trapping mat. Then a larger mat. Then an even larger mat. But no. The little devil was leaving trails of litter down both hallways. So I switched to this…



And quickly determined their promise was a lie.



It did help with the tracking, but not the scattering. So I bought one of those litter boxes with the clip on edges. You know the ones, the sides are higher so litter can’t be flung outside it.






Three sides of it are high, so of course our little darling flings the litter out the lower entrance side. Dudley is nothing if not consistent.

Tomorrow I will be receiving the highest sided cat litter box I could find from my good friend ( Alright, he’s not really a good friend but with the amount of money I’ve sent the guy in the past year you’d think he could at least drop me a postcard from that new tropical Island I bought him. Geesh. ) Jeff Bezos. I’m hoping Amazon’s box will put an end to the litter war, but if not… I fear there’s only one solution left.



Of course with my luck, Dudley will probably just poop on the top and call it good.


The shelf war.


We started with these 3 foot long shelves under the bar.



They’re floating shelves… and while they technically don’t float, they are an absolute pain in the ass to install. So when I told the husband I wanted two more on the adjacent bar wall, he was less than thrilled but agreed they were necessary. Of course then the stupid electrician put the new outlets too high up on the wall to install 3 foot shelves at the same height as the others. That’s when the war began.


I was fine with moving the bottom shelf higher.

The husband was not. Which resulted in a major kerfluffle.



We disagreed on placement…. and though I had won the 4 versus 3 custom liquor bottle shelves battle, this war ended differently.


Busy with other things we put this chore on the back burner… or so I thought until the husband disappeared one afternoon and I found him under the bar. Removing my 3 foot shelves and all their contents.



Unbeknownst to me, he had returned my 3 foot shelves to the store and come home with the 2 foot versions instead. I told him I didn’t want 2 foot shelves. That it would look off balance and not provide enough space.



To which he paid no attention and proceeded to install the stubby 2 foot shelves. He was determined they fit right into the corner and ripped out the nice trim piece I had our contractor install. When I looked displeased, he assured me they would line up perfectly with the existing shelves and look great.



I think you know how that went.



They didn’t line up, despite the numerous hours he cursed like a drunken sailor tinkered with them.

No matter what he did, the new shelves rose slightly above the older ones and wouldn’t lay flat.



His solution?



A few pieces of too thick moldy old wood from under the baby barn…. to bring them together.



Which makes me wonder what part of the invisible bracket floating shelf aesthetic he didn’t understand.



I’m hoping once we get the double tap kegerator in there the unbalanced shelves won’t be quite so noticeable.

But either way, there’s still not enough room.

